A lot of pastors argue that kids will be drawn too or have closer relationships to younger adults because they have more in common is also not true. Many kids are suffering the loss of a parent through divorce. These kids yearn for a…READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE ON MY BLOG/Parents i...
Like the Master Ministries: Having been under the teaching of John McArthur and now a retired pastor, John Calahan, has written and shared many sound doctrinal studies on his site - NeverThirsty.com. One of my favorites is walking through theGospels chronologically. Other topics include angels,...
Jesus Proclaims the Spirit Is upon Him and Anoints Him for Service Posted on January 15, 2025 Bible Study series: Luke 4:16-21. I love these verses because they show that Jesus was called and anointed of the Spirit to help people. We are too. Continue reading → Posted in Luke | Ta...
December 11, 2024 In the Torah, we see that only the Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) had access once a year on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) to the very Presence of God in the Kodesh HaKodeshim (Holy of Holies), which was the heart of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) and later the Beit HaM...
- Bible | Teaching Quotes Add to Favorite List Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life. - Bible | Temptation Quotes Add to Favorite List O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. - Bib...
III. The teaching of the NT concerning sex The major emphasis of the NT was on teachings related to evangelization and the establishment of the Church. For the most part, the Early Church seemed to rely upon the teachings of the OT with respect to sex and the sex role. However, the NT...
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:3435 ESV). What made this commandment “new” was its emphasis on a kind of love that replicated that of Jesus. It was to be a selfless, sacrificial, lay-it-all-in-the-line form...
This "fleshly, hip-hop, copy-the-world, alternative, radical, extreme" concept portrayed by the Teen Study Bible, music, and much of today’s Teen’s programs is contrary to the plain teaching of the word of God.1 John 2:16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the ...
Official Bible Hub app with quick access to the Bible Hub search, an offline Bible reader, online Bibles, commentaries, devotions, topics, interlinear, and much…
In summary: Jesus has shown us His perfect love and kindness toward those who have no way of repaying Him. Crowds followed Him and traveled miles just to hear him speak. Healing the sick, feeding the hungry, teaching the people, caring for the widow, and defending children, Jesus lived ...