This is when we receive our resurrected body, undergo final judgment, and ultimately spend eternity in a very physical place: Heaven or Hell. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, What Does the Bible Say About Hell?: An Interview with Anthony DeStefano] In your research, di...
I had the same type of wife who never wanted to suck my dick, and I’ve been married so long I just made peace with it so long ago. But both of us hearing that episode it’s like, man, it’s like every time brother, like hell yes dude, not a time goes by when we have sex...
While Paul rarely spoke about hell and punishment and fully expected immediate messianic appearance and rescue, the author of 2 Peter has a more drastic view of judgment and “the end times.” We can perhaps attribute this to his age, his impending martyrdom, or the general persecution faced ...
*I’m a “protein shake for breakfast” person now. I don’t know how I feel about that. *Gossip columnist Perez Hilton had a kid, and I’m still single. What the hell? Day— Daily Reading— It always kills me when I hear people say, “No excuses!” Mostly because I’m usually...
What book in the Bible talks about spider webs? What is the Bible? Do Pagans believe in Heaven? Do Pagans believe in Hell? Do Pagans practice witchcraft? What is the religion Wicca? What religions are in Hellenism? Is Wicca a Pagan religion?
So, if one day we hear about an alien invasion, don't panic, it could very well be the son of man returning with his angels to overthrow the corrupt governments of the world and free the oppressed. The Bible actually talks about that day. Isaiah 13:9-13 See, the day of the Lord ...
-234-From PHP (s)HELL to Powershell Heaven: -235-Forensic Investigation of Nmap Scan using Wireshark: -236-Unleashing an Ultimate XSS Polyglot:
Much doom and gloom, when King Saul talks to the dead prophet Samuel, who never really liked him anyway. “The Shade of Samuel Invoked by Saul” Nikiforovich Martynov (1857) Our next tale of ancient necromancy comes from Homer’s Odyssey, and though there’s no actual necromancer in ...
Some people don't want to rule others, but they want others to rule over them. Being ruled is better than being responsible. "Better to have Medicare Part D in hell than to serve in heaven."What are "gods?"Answer: "archists"
How many times have we seen the preacher when he talks about the heart of man pointing to his chest where the heart that pumps blood around the body resides. When the Bible talks about the heart it is always about the right lobe of the mentality. The heart is the mind where we store...