When studying “hell” in the Bible, there’s an excellent book on eternal damnation titledTwo Views of Hellby Edward Fudge and Robert Peterson. The view of everlasting destruction is presented by Mr. Fudge and he does a great job as his case rests totally on Scripture, which, of course,...
God then ends this statement with talking about our physical bodies being the temple of His Holy Spirit. In other words, God does not want our temples, which are our physical bodies, to be defiled in any way, shape, and form. Is putting any kind of tattoo or body piercing on our phys...
耶稣继续说:“我实在告诉你们,有些站在这里的人会在有生之年看见上帝的国带着能力降临。” 登山变象 - 六天后,耶稣带着彼得、雅各和约翰暗暗地登上一座高山。耶稣在他们面前改变了形象, 衣服变得洁白放光,世上找不到漂得那么白的布。 这时,以利亚和摩西在他们眼前出现
This is when we receive our resurrected body, undergo final judgment, and ultimately spend eternity in a very physical place: Heaven or Hell. [Read the Bible Gateway Blog post, What Does the Bible Say About Hell?: An Interview with Anthony DeStefano] In your research, di...
“If you abide in Me”. Then He says, “And if My words abide in you”. This passage in the book of John says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you”, you can ask whatever you will and I will do it. What words is He talking about when Jesus says, “And My ...
Finishing up with our October theme of “talking to the dead,” we examine necromancy in the ancient world in this episode. While the word has been generalized in its present use to mean cover any form of magic of a sinister bent, in its original meaning, it was simply what the Latinize...
Sheol in the Bible is the intermediate state of unbelievers. It may also be referred to as Hades or Purgatory. It is no the same as hell (lake of fire).
See Answer: Who is Paul talking about in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5? 5 days ago Answer by R K Supporter What does the Bible say about the role of senior pastor? Dr. John MacArthur once taught that there are four things an "elder" in a church is Biblically responsible to do. They are...
If you will notice, this verse is using the word“again”after the word“born”– born“again.”If this second birth is not talking about our physical births into this world, then what other second birth is it talking about? The word“again”is telling us that we are going to have to...
Night on a Bald Mountain and Disney’s ideas about Hell The “Night on a Bald Mountain” scene from the original Fantasia proves Disney has been introducing children to the devil, Hell and the occult since the 1940s. Only by now, in 2016 they have just gotten very good at making it a...