The (heretical) Arian missionary Ufilas, when he translated the Bible for the Goths of Moesia, omitted the books of Kings and Chronicles because the Goths were "already too war-like." While Ufilas might of thought he was doing God a favor, being his editor and censor, we will study ...
Even though their group Bible studies led to the founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, our Adventist pioneers studied these things out for themselves. They did not study the Bible for us. It is still up to us to compare Scripture with Scripture just as they did so we too can ...
two of the nuts rolled away and came to rest near the road. The boys continued to divide the nuts among them. “One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me”
Our first few selections of Bible trivia are designed for adults. However, teens may well have enough Bible knowledge to know many of the answers. You do not need to use the trivia in the order given. If you wish, you can skip around, using questions at the same level of difficulty. ...
The search for the Missing Link What about Neanderthals? The human race is one race No need to compromise Is science really the source of all knowledge? The evidence points to design and a Designer The good creation The First and Last Adam Did God really use suffering and death to create?
EnehteE, Your comments tell me that you are very perceptive about the situation you are in. If every JW had a bible study with a person like you they would quickly become a more typical “mainstream” Christian religion. You do have a unique opportunity to influence a person or two in ...
Great for physical and emotional pain, it is obvious to me that John would be the most likely Beatle to indulge. And “Cold Turkey” (whilst being the worst way possible to break a habit) SOUNDS LIKE IT FEELS!! That painful descending riff tells the eight-day horror story perfectly. ...
Guy Talk Girl Talk: 10 Gender Specific Lessons on Everyday Issues Your Teens FaceGroup Publishing