Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
books on are Public Domain texts and free to download as pdf-files. This online library project is still under development and we are adding new e-books often. Suggestions are welcome. We are also maintaining Moral Paradigm – a similar site about moral and ethical questions:...
and gender in His Word. This study will take you through God’s Word to answer some of the toughest questions about love, sex, gender, and relationships. We will learn that it is possible to embrace God’s design by loving Him and others with both our bodies and our souls. We will ...
I taught the gospel of Paul, the grace of God, the revelation of the mystery of Christ. The study ended when one of the active ministers (and, as it turned out, he was simply voicing what the others chose to believe) decided to reject the gospel of Paul, stating, “Paul didn’t ...
I could also potentially do livestreams on YouTube or Telegram to respond to questions. I do a lot of volunteer or low-pay ministry work. This includes teaching and preaching in churches, in both Spanish and English; academic presentations, including a presentation on Biblical Aramaic that I ...
This book is the answer to all of these questions. This books takes the difficult and makes it easy; it takes the confusion and makes things clear. This is a book to answer the questions and give a simple start for a beginner while providing the depth and profundity for the scholar. ...
–The “Word Study” throughout the Bible. It helps to see key words in Scripture defined by their Greek and Hebrew usage. –Biblical Womanhood is also helpful in life lessons. –Answers to “does the Bible REALLY talk about this?” kind of Hard Questions. ...
If you enjoyed how this study challenged your thinking and opened up your understanding of Christ, click on one of the related studies below: An Un-Polluted Gospel Do not preach the Old Testament. The 2 Systems of God On Grace, Gifts and Thankfulness Get notified when new studies are posted...
Law and Grace. The Kingdom of God. Interpreting the Bible. Bible Study. Group aids. Spirituality. Mysticism. Prayer. Unanswered prayer. Communal Christianity. Ethics. Essays on the Law. Charismatic renewal. Evangelism. Methodology . Apologetics. Tricky questions. Comparative Religions...