1. PaulAn apostle of Jesus Christ, formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, who played a significant role in spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles. He authored the letter to the Philippians while imprisoned.2. TimothyA young pastor and close companion of Paul, known for his sincere faith and ...
Bible Study Questions 1. How does understanding the meaning of "grace" and "peace" in Philippians 1:2 impact your daily walk with Christ? 2. In what ways can you actively extend grace and peace to those around you, reflecting the greeting Paul gives to the Philippians?
Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
CorrectBible is a Bible Study site for those who APPLY what they learn to every aspect of life. We are called to make this a Christian website acceptable to God. We provide links to submit questions and search for Bible information on this site. All questions will be answered Scripturally ...
Looking for a fun yet challenging teen Bible study that's not too childish? Serving One Lord has great studies on Lydia, Joshua, Peter, Ruth, and Hannah.
Bible Studies NKJV Bible Study Bible Plus 1 entry New Testament Everyday: Philippians and 1, 2 Thessalonians Plus 1 entry Overview Introduction to the book of 腓立比書 Introduction to the book of 腓立比書 1 entryAbout About News & Knowledge Statement of Faith Mobile App Store Blog ...
Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
More Bible Study Articles Bible Study Videos How Do I Know That God Hears My Prayers? A Prayer to Love Who Jesus Loves God's Top Ten Answers to Your 'Why' Questions Why Does Jesus Refer to Himself as the Good Shepherd in John 10?
Philippians 4:13. It says 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' It's also my mantra, how I get up for games and why I play the way I do. — Stephen Curry 193 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart. — Paul the Apostle 190 Let us not love ...