Through an online platform, you can request a therapist who discusses your spiritual or religious beliefs and works with someone to cultivate happiness and cope with distressing emotions or symptoms. Studies also back up the effectiveness of online therapy. One study found that 71% of participants...
1做神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各,请散住十二个支派之人的安! 2我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐,3因为知道,你们的信心经过试验就生忍耐。4但忍耐也当成功,使你们成全、完备,毫无缺欠。 要凭着信心求 5你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐于众人也不斥...
Yup! Spring has sprung and brought with it rain, slightly warmer weather, and those weeds. The weeds were not as much of an issue when I was getting my yard professionally treated. I know…I know…I know.… read more Bible Study Girl Comments Off on Spring Has Sprung You May Also...
Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 332 entries for 马太福音 5 1040 God, fatherhood of 1040 God, fatherhood of Primarily signifying God’s paternal relationship to Jesus Christ, the... ...
Question-based Bible Study Lessons. If you can read 20 questions, you can lead a Bible Study. They lead people to speak the truth and be changed by it. “Speaking the truth we will grow.” Ephesians 4.15
in my pajamas with my laptop. That must be why I love blogging more than preaching. I can’t preach in my pajamas. I also love hearing from people all over the world as they comment on my posts, and share their thoughts and what they have learned, from their personal Bible study ...
Bible Study: seeking God's counsel, sharing His secrets, enjoying His companionship. Bible Study is fellowship with Jesus.
is the only source of a sinner's happiness. And those are most happy, who are preserved most free from the defilement of sin, who simply believe God's testimonies, and depend on his promises. If the heart be divided between him and the world, it is evil. But the saints carefully avoi...
Just as joy brings happiness and contentment, experiencing God’s peace allows children to find rest and solace in His presence, no matter the circumstances they face. God has it! Bible Verses on Peace: Matthew 5:9“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” ...