1做神和主耶稣基督仆人的雅各,请散住十二个支派之人的安! 2我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐,3因为知道,你们的信心经过试验就生忍耐。4但忍耐也当成功,使你们成全、完备,毫无缺欠。 要凭着信心求 5你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐于众人也不斥责...
104). For Bazzana, this is a “very welcome” methodological change of pace particularly “because her focus on terms such as ‘spirit possession’ and ‘altered states of consciousness’ provides the opportunity to study Paul’s experiences, not in isolation (as if they were completely unique ...
NIV Study Notes: The Christian is not to judge hypocritically or self-righteously, as can be seen from the context. [But] Scripture repeatedly exhorts believers to evaluate carefully and choose between good and bad people and things. The Christian is to "test everything": 1 Thes 5:21 (Ph...
Sermon on the Mount 1 Fall ‘24 SLT Bible Study 1 Rye Hill Awana T&T 1 Wards 1 IMPACT 1 Gems ?? 1 Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! 1 Bunny’s Bible Memory Group 1 Cedarville Bible and the Gospel 1 D Group 1 Biblical Hospitality 1 Beloved 1 Community Kids 1 Kids 1 Lamprell Family 1 Ja...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 308 entries for 箴言16-18, 歌林多後書 6 1040 God, fatherhood of 1040 God, fatherhood of Primarily signi...
A.People think that hearing a message or Bible Study makes them grow. It’s not the hearing but thedoingthat brings the blessing. Here James compares the Word to a mirror rather than seed. There are two other references to God’s Word as a mirror. We will look at those and see the...
or fractured. It was on a lonely hill just outside of Jerusalem that the body of Jesus was “broken” on a Roman cross, piercing His hands and side, allowing His lifeblood to flow out, the price of all the benefits that have been mentioned in this blog-study – not the least – His...
Posted on January 30, 2018Categories Bible Study, Death, Eternal Life, Knowledge, Resurrection Did God Lie to Adam? When the Lord put the first man upon the earth in the Garden of Eden, there was only one commandment with consequence for him to keep. This particular commandment concerns one...
Christian crosses, messages, paraphernalia, music, news, and attitudes permeate everyday settings. Consequently, Christian fundamentalist dogma about homosexuality—that homosexuals are bad, diseased, perverse, sinful, other, and inferior—is cumulatively bolstered within a variety of other social ...
As Editor, Martin Manser wishes to thank all those who compiled or edited the NIV Thematic Study Bible, on which this work is based. 325 entries for 箴言3-5, 哥林多后书 1 1025 God, anger of 1025 God, anger of The punitive and vindicatory reaction,...