A special offer to Know God Better – a study in the Gospel of John.This is a FREE Bible study in the Gospel of John, sent to you by email. It will come directly from me, Marilyn Adamson, director of this site.The Gospel of John is loaded with truths about God and how he views...
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). We can find the peace of Christ in the words of Christ. “I have said these things to you . . .” The words...
《Home Bible Study Commentaries from the Gospel of John》是一本图书,作者是Alexander, Larry D.内容简介 EDITORIAL REVIEW: John's Gospel was most likely written sometime between A.D. 85 and 95. His depiction of JESUS is the most theological of the four gospels. He presents to us, a ...
In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. Study BibleIn Him was lifeThis phrase emphasizes the divine nature of Jesus Christ, affirming that He is the source of all life. In the context of the Gospel of John, "life" often refers to both physical and spiritual life. The ...
This volume, part of the "New Daily Study Bible New Testament" series, incorporates the kind of language that is more appropriate for 21st century readers. Archaic references have been either omitted or explained and the text also offers explanations of contexts and sources of quotations. (...
John's Gospel poses a theological dilemma for Bible scholars who question its historical reliability. Mark, Matthew and Luke ('synoptic' gospels) present a substantially different account and chronology of Jesus' life, than John. Much of the Jesus' narrative in John is simply missing from the ...
A good place to start would be theGospel of John; or perhaps you might want to check out theBook of Genesis. Check back often for updates. May God bless you and we pray this free online Bible study website blesses you as you study God's Holy Word. ...
John's Gospel is rather different from the other three. Whether or not he knew them (or any one of them) continues to be debated. In any event, his witness to Jesus goes its own way, highlighting matters that in the other Gospels remain implicit and underdeveloped. The literary style of...
Desiring God, with John Piper Ed Young Television Weekly Devotional From His Heart, by Pastor Jeff Schreve In His Grip Devotional In the Presence of God Invading the Privacy of God, with Cecil Murphey Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef ...
This term is used in the Gospel of John to refer to the Jewish leaders and people who are often in opposition to Jesus. In this chapter, they are seeking to kill Him and are amazed at His teaching (John 7:11, 15, 19). 4.The Crowd ...