Book of 1st Timothy __(2021) 1(YT)2345 16 Book of 2nd Timothy __(2021) 1(YT)234 Book of Hebrews(2014-2015) 1(YT)2345 678910 111213 Book of James(2017) 1(YT)2345 Book of 1Peter(2017) 1(YT)2345 Book of 2Peter(2017)
We sent Timothy, our brother and fellow worker for God in the gospel of Christ, to strengthen you and encourage you about your faith, so that no one would be shaken by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are destined for this. For in fact when we were with you, we we...
Weekly Bible Study Resources Bible Characters for Your Weekly Bible Study Compiled by Lt Gen C. Norman Wood, USAF (Ret), Burke, VA 22015 For week of February 28 – March 6, 2011 SUBJECT: MAN Houdlette, Florence, "God's Man," POEM, Sentinel, Vol. 25 (28 July 1923), p. 947. ...
2013 – Bible Study Lessons Studies in Amos, Hosea, and Jonah were updated and reposted in 2022Studies in 1Timothy, 2Timothy, & Titus were updated and reposted in 2019Studies in Job and Ecclesiastes were updated and reposted in 2021Studies in John 1-11 were updated and reposted in 2023 ...
Thru the Bible Commentary: 1st and 2nd Timothy Titus and Philemon 50J. Vernon McGee
Again I Say Thank you for tthis Bible at such a Great Price.I Love Gods Word and rely on it Daily, Bible study just got more interesting. Thanks Again. ...Paul told Timothy to study to show himself knowledgeable of the scriptures, this Bible is an excellent choice for that purpose, ...
TIMOTHY. From the account in Acts and the allusions in the Pauline letters, Timothy seems to... Titus TITUS tī’ təs (Τίτος, G5519). The name Titus appears in the NT only in 2 Corinthians (eight... Truth TRUTH (...
John's Letter: Discipleship Lessons from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John is a 130-page study of 1, 2, and 3 John in eight lessons.RevelationDisciple Lessons from the Book of Revelation. This 100-page book takes you through the whole scope of St. John's vision in 8 lessons. This is not a...
Balancing the Sword Bible Study Set Bible Workbooks Bible Based Homeschooling Curriculum Bible Centered Homeschooling Helps:Bible Based Homeschooling AcreSoft Story Classic: 🌷 Kids Educational Bedtime Stories, for Children to Adults, in English ...
Do we need a new origin story? Might we yet redeem our religion from the clutches of Empire? More than this, might there be somethng in this new origin story that might be useful to us as we grapple with the world that has been made in the shadow of the old one?