The methods pursued in this work consisted largely in the application to the sacred books, and especially to the Gospels, of the principles of criticism that had for forty years previously been used in estimating the structure and composition of some of the literary products of antiquity; and th...
These alphabetical poems have been unduly depreciated on account of their artificial structure and have also been regarded for the same reason as of comparatively late origin. This latter conclusion is premature with present evidence. The poems in Lamentations undoubtedly go back as far as the 6th ...
Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses The Bible and Literature Figurative Language in the Bible Parable of the Unforgiving Servant | Story, Meaning & Lesson The Bible as History | Accuracy, Structure & Purpose ...
1. Structure. The Heb... Heart HEART (לֵבָב, H4222; καρδία, G2840; the inner man; the function of mind, where man remembers,... Holiness HOLINESS (קֹ֫דֶשׁ, H7731, separateness, or brightness, or freshness...
The structure of the JSON is somewhat complex. Sorry! Ancient places (ancient.jsonl) This file contains data about the places as mentioned in the Bible text, disambiguates them, catalogs them by verse reference, and evaluates the confidence of modern scholarship that attempts to identify ancient...
耶和华晓谕摩西说: “你告诉以色列人当为我送礼物来,凡甘心乐意的,你们就可以收下归我。 所要收的礼物就是金,银,铜, 蓝色、紫色、朱红色线,细麻,山羊毛,
The structure of the JSON is somewhat complex. Sorry! Ancient places (ancient.jsonl) This file contains data about the places as mentioned in the Bible text, disambiguates them, catalogs them by verse reference, and evaluates the confidence of modern scholarship that attempts to identify ancient...
Easy version to understand and interpret (if not the easiest)。 Some words will vary compared to the NIV version。 Bible verses may be interpreted differently between these two versions due to slight variation in word choices and sentence structure。 Either way, all versions The ESV Bible is pe...
on it in the clash of Wood Elves (and the Hobbits) and the giant spiders at the enchanted stream of Mirkwood. In 1916, the Austro-Hungarians took a fighter aircraft in service by the name of Hansa-Brandenburg D.I. This aircraft's curious skeletal structure earned it the nickname "Spider...
In the preface, Lü clearly pointed out that his translation adopted the method of literal translation, and tried to faithfully restore the meaning represented by each word and punctuation mark, and maintain the structure of the original text (Lü 1946, p. 1). Xu’s Introduction to the New ...