Why was Jesus glad He was not there with Lazarus? [He wanted the disciples to believe.] What did Martha think when Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again?” [She thought Jesus meant when all people are resurrected at the last day. (Perhaps Jesus’ return)] Who did Jesus say He ...
Find the full scripture of this story below, along with articles, videos, and audio sermons relating to the miraculous raising of Lazarus! Photo credit: ©GettyImages/sedmak, Padua - painting of the resurrection of Lazarus scene from the 17th century....
Lazarus and the rich man is a well-known parable of Jesus found in the Gospel of Luke. Told in chapter 16 of Luke, Jesus shares the story of a notably wealthy man, also known as a dive, who lived a life of extravagant luxury. Laying outside the entrance of this rich man’s house...
Psalm 31:9“Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am in distress; my eyes grow weak with sorrow.” Examples of Bible Stories with Sadness: John 11:The Death of Lazarus (Jesus wept.) 2 Samuel 12:15-23: David’s son dies Jeremiah 9:1:Jeremiah is often referred to as the weeping prophet...
Today, we're digging into a story of grief and joy in John 11, the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. We'll see the profound ways in which Jesus interacts with individuals experiencing grief and sorrow, demonstrating compassion and understanding by meeting each person where they ar...
Raising of Lazarus Enlarge Listen to the Story Your browser does not support the audio element. Windows Media Player Jesus had some close friends; Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha. He often visited in their home. One day Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick, but He didn...
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Biblical Teachings Christian Cartoons Scripture of the Day Daniel in Lion's Den Donkey Speaks Fall of Jericho Feeding the 5,000 Fiery Furnace Floating Axe Head Jonah and the Fish Parting of Red Sea Raising of Lazarus Walking on Water Water to Wine...
Biblical Teachings Christian Cartoons Scripture of the Day Daniel in Lion's Den Donkey Speaks Fall of Jericho Feeding the 5,000 Fiery Furnace Floating Axe Head Jonah and the Fish Parting of Red Sea Raising of Lazarus Walking on Water Water to Wine...
Biblical Teachings Christian Cartoons Scripture of the Day Daniel in Lion's Den Donkey Speaks Fall of Jericho Feeding the 5,000 Fiery Furnace Floating Axe Head Jonah and the Fish Parting of Red Sea Raising of Lazarus Walking on Water Water to Wine...