In this animated videos for kids and families, we meet Thomas, the doubting disciple. We tell Thomas some amazing animal facts and see if he believes them. Then we'll find out just how Thomas went from doubting Jesus to making a great statement of belief!
Poor Thomas earned a nickname that was no doubt (pun intended) hard to shake. Doubting Thomas’ reputation preceded him, to the point where you don’t even have to be a Bible reader to have heard about him. Thomas refused to believe the story that Jesus came back from the dead. So, ...
The Visit of the Wise Men 54 The Hole in the Roof 56 Loaves and Fishes 58 The Good Samaritan 60 The Lost Son 64 Zacchaeus 68 Jesus Rides into Jerusalem 70 The Last Supper 72 The Easter Story 74 Doubting Thomas 78 The Lord’s Prayer 80 ..[ 来自小组 皇家神龙教 ][ Last edited by ...
In my judgment, John used Thomas on all three occasions to model a believing disciple. Granted, he was known as Doubting Thomas, but I discovered that was a misrepresentation. Unquestionably Thomas demonstrated the struggle of coming to belief, but that was John's point. Ultimately each...
The verse from Hebrews 3:19 is talking about all of the Israelites 20 years and older who died out in the wilderness in the story of Moses. They were not able to enter into the Promised Land – all because they did not have enough faith and belief in God that He could actually defeat...
Rebecca's story and the goat skin lie to fool Isaac, who was blind at the time, and many others in the Bibles. Rebecca put goat skin on Jacob's back to mimic Esau's back to fool blind Isaac into anointing Jacob while thinking he was anointing Esau. Isaac wanted to anoint Esau and ...
Many children love to sing songs and can learn new ones very quickly. Introduce a song about Samuel to help them remember the Bible story of Samuel. This song is sung to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot": "Samuel's a boy short and stout. Watch him grow inside and out. When he ...
27Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” 28Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” 29Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who...
If you know the story of Isis and Osiris,you will know that she cried over a broken pillar also,that pillar being the penis of her husband Osiris. Isn’t it interesting that another name for the penis is the “member” and Isis re”members” Osiris in the story. (more in a later ...
His... The Appearances of the Risen Christ The resurrection has been interpreted as false information fictitious story factual event By... The Names of Jesus Name Description Reference Alpha and Omega The Beginning and End of all things. Rev 21:6 Bread of...Ab...