and she laughed to herself about the possibility of having a child at their ages. Sarah soon became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham, at the very moment which had been predicted. Abraham, then a hundred years old, named the child "Isaac." Issac would go on to become a crucial charac...
Abraham and Isaac - Some time later, God wanted to see if Abraham really trusted him. God said to him, ‘Abraham!’ Abraham replied, ‘Here I am.’ God
Sarah was ninety and Abraham was 100 when he was born. Isaac was such a miracle, that Sarah laughed at the very idea that she would have a baby when a messenger from God told Abraham about it: “Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years. The way of women had ceased to be...
Love is a foundational principle emphasized throughout the Bible. Verses like 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 describe love as patient, kind, and forgiving. The story of the Good Samaritan illustrates the importance of showing love and compassion to others, regardless of differences. Bible Verses with Love:...
Curriculum Bible Lesson 13-Abraham and Isaac $14.95Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $1.00. Sale! Add to Wishlist Quick View Bible Lesson Downloads Curriculum Bible Lesson 12-Sodom and Gomorrah $14.95Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $1.00. ...
Who is Moses? In this lesson, learn about the story of Moses in the Bible and his significance in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Abraham 1 Sense and Sensibility(1995) David Schofield Elijah 1 Gladiator(2000) Martin Jarvis God / Moses 1 Wreck-It Ralph(2012) Philip Franks Daniel 1 Phantom Thread(2017) John Alderton God / Jonah 1 Calendar Girls(2003) Simon Callow
Cain and Abel An Oh-So-Human Story Noah's Ark and the Great Flood Answers to Common Questions The Tower of Babel The Beginning of Many Languages God Calls Abraham Early Life to His Calling Abraham, Hagar, and Ishmael Abraham's Firstborn God's Covenant with Abraham Circumcision, Sara...
Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus and get the best value in digital Bible study. Start 14-day free trialLearn More Genesis 12–50 Genesis 12–50 The Beginning of the Story of Redemption Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph The Lord had... 11. The Account of Jacob, Genesis 37:2...
The Bible story of Elijah is from the first book of Kings, describing his miraculous feats and redemption of the people of Israel from the evil king Ahab. Similar to the life of Jesus, Elijah performs marveling acts to demonstrate the validity of God to