Bible Stories for Adults Second Generation Downloadable (.pdf) Studies Old Testament, Year 1: Genesis Early History of Israel Israel's Kings Prophets and Their Message New Testament, Year 2: God's Eternal Plan God Sends the Savior Jesus Begins His Ministry ...
10 Easy Memory Verses for Children– You don’t have to memorizeentire chapters. Start small and find encouragement in simple progress.Comparethe original list we have expanded into theparallelprintable above. Use them in your family time of praise and worship. We hear stories from Sunday School...
The earlier 6 feature some marvelously inspirational stories that Dave has used in his many years of experience as a sports chaplain and a globetrotting evangelist. And be sure you don't miss hearing what I think is his BEST one, which was actually our VERY FIRST offering here at the ...
Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers, and Fresh Food Makersinvites you to take a culinary exploration of Scripture. You’ll learn fresh Biblical discoveries as she shares stories from wandering a California farm with one of the world’s premier fig farmers, baking fresh matzo a...
The most ancient written records and oral traditions from other cultures also have stories of creation, a global flood, an ark, and the dispersion of peoples after God/the gods changed human language. While the details of these traditions are unreliable and mixed with paganism, there is a ...
The earlier 6 feature some marvelously inspirational stories that Dave has used in his many years of experience as a sports chaplain and a globetrotting evangelist. And be sure you don't miss hearing what I think is his BEST one, which was actually our VERY FIRST offering here at the ...
“Do you not know you will pass judgement on angels?” Do you really think your qualified to judge what you know nothing of? So as the Gentiles on YT blaspheme God’s Deity and the stories erase the true Sons of God we ask this question. ...
they have a full season of free full-length episodes that are based on different stories of the Bible, such as David and Goliath or Daniel in the lions’ den. I definitely like the videos. Sometimes when I just don’t feel like I have enough to give to a Bible study, I watch these...
August 11, 2014Bible Lessons,Bible Stories,Bible Studies,English as a Second Language,ESL materials,Homeschool Materials Jesus Teaches at the Temple Now ON SALE! Bible English Lessons were developed over many years of teaching English as a Second Language to immigrants students in New York City....
Free DownloadsAvailable now only to subscribers! Please sign up in the box at the middle, right side of this page. Why We're Near the End The Beasts of Daniel, Chapter 7 Recorded live in a Christian radio station studio, these ten tracks explain the beasts of Daniel, chapter 7, as yo...