Be enthu- siastic about spreading the Good News, and make it your priority. Teach it: Christ lives in me. Live it: let them see Him first in you! The closer we get to Jesus, the more we'll want to share Him with others throughout the neighborhood and the rest of the world. ...
Be inspired as you hear the stories and life changing messages found in the Old and New Testaments. Build your faith and encourage others with this amazing Bible study tool that brings the Scriptures to the Thai people.
The master is planning his return and will be back at any moment. Why Did Jesus Teach in Parables? Stories are memorable. They are relatable. They are easier to recall and share with others. For this reason, very few stories ever end with “the end.” A great story stays with you, ...
By Chris Russell: Should We Anoint the Sick With Oil? By Samuel Emadi: 7 Stories of God’s...
Suffering and redemption are found in the stories of other women in Jesus's lineage: Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. Each of these women faced significant trials but ultimately became part of God's redemptive plan. This week, meditate on 1 Peter 5:6-11: cast your anxieties on God, who cares ...
Although ancient literature, including Jewish literature, had various stories... Mk 9.3 9.3 bleach. Refers to one of the activities of cloth refiners, who used chemicals to bleach... Mk 9.4 9.4 Elijah with Moses. Elijah was take...
Midnight Mass did not provide many answers about its take on an angel. But the Bible the show took its story from provides all the answers we need.
Share this: It stopped me dead in my tracks. At the height of the pandemic my wife was watching the news, and as I passed through the room, I heard some expert being interviewed about the coronavirus. She said, “If you’re not stressed by all of this,there’s something wrong with…...
The docudrama will present 10 episodes with major stories from the Old and the New Testament, and evangelicals like Rick Warren are not only endorsing it, but Rick Warren himself is presenting a preview and a behind-the-scenes look at the series. ...
also learn about the New (Blood) Covenant and the many promises that the Lord has made (and intend to keep) when it comes to the human race. The gifts and promises, that I'm referring to typically fall into the areas of mercy - grace - forgiveness - redemption, and eternal salvation....