We are to be wise and careful stewards of the earth and its creatures. As for the specific relationship between people and angels, the book of Hebrews says that angels are “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” In the vision that the apostle John reports in...
10律法只是将来美事的一个投影,并非本体的真像,所以年复一年的献祭不能使前来敬拜的人纯全。2否则,献祭的事早已终止了,因为敬拜的人若献一次祭就能彻底得到洁净,他们就不再觉得有罪了。3然而,每年献祭的事都使人想起自己的罪来,4因为公牛和山羊的血根本不能除去人的罪。 5所以,基督来到世...
All converts are "stewards of the mysteries of God" 1Cor.4:1 ,BUT,His Name is NOT one of His Mysteries. He is not the One Who hid it. Some pages of this website are a humble, plantive seed. But all Truth here is "waxing" into a very great treeand speaks out to rebuke you...
People are stewards of a deposit of time given by God, and will be held... 8440 glorifying God 8440 glorifying God The giving of glory to God through acts of praise and obedience. Believers... 8442 good works 8442 good works Acts designed specifically to ...
This well known poem celebrates humanity’s special place as the pinnacle of creation, as God’s stewards over the natural world. But the author of Hebrews latches onto the phrase “son of man.” In Hebrew poetry, it simply means “a human” or a “mortal person,” but it was also ...
Governments are accountable to God and must follow God’s law as stewards of the power to rule in equity. Recent UK governments have been exceedingly wicked. Yet the current Starmer government has exceeded those before in evil within three months. This paper explains why. 19 October 2024: Th...
The parable goes on to say that two of the servants, the one given five talents and the one-handed two, were good stewards of their master’s money, investing it in such a way that when the master returned, they handed back double what he had originally given them (Matthew 25:16-17...
Preparation of Candidate Entered Apprentice Degree.—He is ushered into the “preparationroom,” where he meets the Junior Deacon and Stewards who divest him of all his clothing except his shirt. He is then handed an old pair of drawers which he puts on; the left leg is rolled up above ...
[106] The 4 Faithful & Discreet Slaves and Faithful Stewards of Matthew 24 and Luke 12 [107] Daniel 4 decoded, the first true 7 times period [108] The speed of light is a constant set by God. It was reset by God at the command: Let there be light. It was considerably faster befo...