2.Also calledHebrew Scriptures.the collection of sacred writings of the Jewish religion: known to Christians as the Old Testament. 3.(often l.c.) the sacred writings of any religion. 4.(l.c.) a reference publication esteemed for its usefulness and authority:a bird-watchers' bible. ...
A Consideration Of The Argumentation For And Against The “Lordship” And “Non-Lordship” Views Of Salvation(57 pages). This is a consideration of the debate between Lordship and Non-Lordship advocates concerning the scriptures explanation of the gospel, faith, repentance, salvation, carnality, and...
3 For I delivered to you in the order of first importance what I have also received, that Christ died as a substitute for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures ...
So if you’re going to drive the Bible-study Batmobile, make sure you’re willing to play the Bible-study Batman. You get out what you put in—which means you have to invest time in learning the software, learning the lingo, and learning the Scriptures in order to make this investment ...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
“Imagine The Da Vinci Code Written By A Biblical Scholar” … The twist is that Struse plays for the other team. He approaches the Scriptures with a bias towards belief, and yet with an open-mindedness and curiosity which leads him to find secrets hidden in these texts in plain sight.”...
n.(used with a sing. v.) 1.the art or science of interpretation, esp. of the Scriptures. 2.the branch of theology that deals with the principles of Biblical exegesis. [1730–40] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991...
WHAT IS BIBLE TRUTH? Our beliefs are molded byhistory, tradition, culture, and various religious teachers as they interpret holy scriptures for us. What we accept as truth must be open to reason (James 3:17). This interactive questionaire explores five Bible questions. Each question has a “...
of Jesus once; Luke’s gospel has it once in the mouth of Jesus and once in the mouth of Peter and no more; and, except for the odd gospel of John (which uses Γύναι [Gynai] six times), this odd Greek does not appear anywhere else in the post-LXX Christian scriptures. ...
The Daily Bible Reading Podcast is a simple, no-frills, easy-to-understand, daily 20-minute reading of two Old Testament passages and one New Testament passage.…