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Bible Verses about Strength: Top Scriptures for Encouragement There are many Bible verses about strength for when you feel tired, weak, and overwhelmed by the storms of life. In the Psalms, we read the beautiful promise that: "The Lord is my rock,... ...
Muslims may sometimes tell you that "Jesus never said he was God or the Son of God." Their reason for saying such a thing is not because of a familiarity with the New Testament Scriptures of the Christian Bible, but because they have been taught from childhood that Jesus was not God or...
of the Holy Scriptures in the Eng. language. Outline I... Biblical Theology (Discipline) BIBLICAL THEOLOGY, O.T., The Discipline of (θεολογία, science of divine things). The knowledge... Biblical Theology (OT) Expand Bless, Blessin...
Is it acceptable for a Christian to vote one way on a measure, not because they think it is biblical, but because they think it should be a function of government? Because we are citizens of the Kingdom of Jesus, my opinion is that there could be many ballot measures for which it cou...
The Bible, on the other hand, presents a progressive view of truth, reaching its climax in the assertion of Jesus, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Such a claim enshrines the uniqueness of Christianity and of its sacred Scriptures. The superiority of the Bible over all other...
Then this superman who will be the incarnation of Satan, called Anti-Christ in the Scriptures, will be permitted to have world control. The Bible teaches that the world will reach a point where it will set up a world government, and a world dictator will emerge. Television cameras will no...
CatholicBible101.com offers resources, teachings, and insights to deepen your understanding of Catholicism and the Bible.
The Best Scriptures on Prayer - Bible Verses about the Power and Importance of Prayer The Bible has much to say about prayer, painting a multifaceted picture of this important practice. Here are some key themes: Prayer as Communication: Prayer is primarily seen as a two-way dialogue between ...
The scriptures Genesis through Revelation are the inspired Word of God. The scriptures show us God’s standards for our lives, teach us principles to live by and give us practical help. Each lesson is based upon a principle learned from a bible account. ...