–adriana g. i love the video bible because it helps me engage with the scripture with all 5 senses. it helps me to experience jesus in new ways. -mark g. the video bible brings my imagination to life. it has me meditating on god like never before. –william d. a new way to expe...
As the previous versions spoke of judgement, and the law of liberty, I envisioned end of life judgements as I spoke of above. Yet this passage is in the middle of a portion of Scripture that describes a “respect of persons” problem in my life, that is my estimation of a person’s ...
This section contains a unique array of overwhelming and devastating proof from the Bible that justification by faith alone and eternal security are completely contrary to the teaching of Scripture. It contains an article and videos. The Best Bible Passage to Refute Once Saved Always Saved and Fait...
Code Issues Pull requests Free Unlimited Bible API with support for 200+ versions and languages.⚡ api verse bible scripture bible-api Updated Jul 26, 2024 christos-c / bible-corpus Star 177 Code Issues Pull requests A multilingual parallel corpus created from translations of the Bible....
A Vision Quest And The High Rock Their Scripture Is The Wind The Sweat Lodge And The Birth Bath The World Tree And The Hunters' Paradise TRUTH FOR MODERN EUROPE Series "True Reports From The New World Travelers" {work in progress}Two...
Daily Scripture to inspire and encourage your faithThursday, March 6, 2025The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, turning a person from the snares of death.Proverbs 14:27 (NIV) Read the Chapter Sermons on Proverbs 14:27 Proverbs Chapter 14 Part 2 Dr. Baruch Korman Proverbs 14 Dr...
There are numerous scripture quotes that are wonderful for reading before we rest. These are Bible verses that either mention sleep or trust in God to protect us while resting through the night. May these bedtime scriptures bring you peace and relaxation to put your mind and body at ease. Di...
Coram Deo: Daily Meditations on God's Presence Short, encouraging pieces of daily theological insight from the Tabletalk Devotions newsletter. Hope in the Mourning These selected readings will help you walk through the valley and process your grief with Scripture to back you up. Runs for one...
Compiled by The BibleStudyTools Staff on 02/19/2021 What does the Bible say about surrender? Not only are we told in Scripture to surrender our lives in order to accept the free gift of salvation, but to pursue daily surrender of our sinful, prideful nature. As Christians, we are to su...
It is found on the left-hand side. Each of these links contains numerous cross-references from Scripture and other resources on the subject. On the right-hand side are hints at how each Thesis can be used as the foundation for other academic subjects which might be covered in a home ...