Providing Bible Lessons for children's ministry, evangelism, leading children to Christ Choosing the Right Sunday School Bible Lessons How to choose the right Sunday School Bible Lessons for Sunday school, Midweek Classes, or Children's church Free Inspirational Scripture Graphics and Quotes Free ...
Scripture - Bible, Torah, Quran: The most precisely fixed canons are those that have been defined by official religious bodies. The Jewish canon, known to Christians as the Old Testament, was fixed by a synod of rabbis held at Yavneh, Palestine, about 90
Is the King James Bible the final Received Text?preached by Matthew Verschuur on the 19th of September, 2006 at Victory Faith Centre. This sermon highlights that there is one final form of the Scripture for the world in the last days. ...
that all Americans really are obligated to conform their lives to "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" (which Blackstone said are to be found "only in Holy Scripture"). that one day our actions really must pass judgment with "the Supreme Judge of the world," which is Jesus, accor...
The harmony of the time statements in the Scripture strengthens our confidence in the accuracy of the inspired Word, but chronology is not essential to salvation. That is evidently why God did not see fit to fill in all the details of chronology. There are some points left open for personal...
The only Bible Timeline showing the Biblical inerrancy of dated events in Scripture from the Creation of Adam and Eve to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus in 30 AD.
Our Daily Bread University instructional videos are available for your free viewing as you read Scripture on Bible Gateway. Here is a list of passages where you can find them: Introduction to the Old Testament Genesis 1:1 Introduction to the New Testament Matthew 1:1 ...
The Word of God (Holy Scriptures): We believe that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God”. We understand this to mean that the whole Bible is inspired, in that holy men of God “were moved by the Holy Spirit” to write the very words of Scripture. We believe that this divi...
My prayer for election day is that the people of this country would have a heart change, and would turn towards God, the only true agent of change. Being A Good Steward May Include More Than You Think Throughout scripture we’re challenged with many things that Gods expects of His childre...
The true symbolic Christian bible code of the old and the new testaments. This is the real holy code of the scriptures, not a statistical hoax