These are the verses from Psalm 23 that I added to cute lamb images to make a simple Psalm 23 poster. These are perfect posters for kids to help them memorize this well-loved scripture. Choose between the NIV and NKJV ‘versions’. They are also cute printable wall art/decor so go ahea...
Verse of the day ◄Verse of the day► If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? Hebrews 12:7(KJV) Today's Verse Too often we shy away from words like chastening, discipline, correction, and submission, because ...
This article seeks to describe theological readings of the Bible in the Fathers, and then to consider whether we might learn anything from them. The first section considers the patristic appeal to the overall sense, intent or mind of scripture when confronted with debate about particular texts in...
Bible Verses For Faith in Hard Times Bible Verses about Faith - Scripture Quotes to Remember in Hard Times We have collected our favorite Bible verses about having faith and finding hope for the situations that cause us to stumble. God tells us that we will have troubles in this world ......
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him and saith. Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world. - Bible | The Bible Quotes Add to Favorite List The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. - Bible | The Bible Quotes Ad...
7. Such quotations of places to be marginally set down, as shall serve for the fit references of one scripture to another. 8. Every particular man of each company to take the same chapter or chap-ters ; and having translated or amended them severally by himself, where he thinketh good,...
This scripture quotation reminds us that we should allow the Holy Spirit to fill us with all of these good attributes. In the sight of god, little children are blessings. These good things should bring us great joy and it is our responsibility to raise them up in the light of the heavenl...
Red Sea vs. Yam Suph - Debate on where the Exodus crossing actually took place - video Why the real location of Mount Sinai is important? - video The Assumption Of Mary, Scripture & The Fathers 1 Samuel 15:2 Condemns Francis’ Heresy On War More ...
Scripture, and meaning of the Spirit, than I, to consider and ponder my labor, and that with the spirit of meekness. And if they perceive in any places that I have not attained the very sense of the tongue, or meaning of the Scripture, or have not given the right English word, that...
with several preliminary remarks, with regard to the promises of the Scripture. II. Show the design of the promises. III. Show that they are adequate to that for which they are designed. IV. Show why they are not fulfilled in us."Six...