I. Inscriptions relating to Palestine before the settlement of the Israelites 1. Egyptian. The earliest references to Pal. occur in two collections of writings found in Egypt, called the Execration Texts which date from the 20th and 19th centuries b.c. The Egyptians wrote the names of enemy ...
The proximity of Cyprus to the Syrian coast rendered it easy of access from Palestine, and Jews had probably begun to settle there even before the time of Alexander the Great. Certainly the number of Jewish residents under the Ptolemies was considerable (1 Maccabees 15:23; 2 Maccabees 12:2...
On account of the great diversity in the climatic and topographical conditions Palestine is peculiarly rich in the variety of its flora--the best authority, Post, distinguishes 3,500 species. The land as a whole belongs to the botanical area known as the "Mediterranean region," a region charac...
The direct references in Scripture to the moon as a light-giver are not numerous, but those that occur are significant of the great importance of moonlight in ancient times, when artificial lights were few, expensive and dim, and the lighting of streets and roads was unthought of. To sheph...
1. Darkness and Light in Palestine: The day and night, light and darkness, are notable antitheses in Palestine. There the day does not slowly fade away into the night after a period of twilight, but before sunset there is the brightness of day, and when the sun has disappeared everything...
intriguing discussions of everyday life in Bible lands - including articles that help us to understand health and disease, the role of animals and plants in the ancient ecosystem, and the demographics of human settlement ...
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible "We have providentially the Greek Version which was made by the Jews circa 250-200 B.C. It was accepted at the time by the official custodians of the Hebrew Scripture both in Palestine and Babylon as based upon current tradition." ...
God’s covenant promises to Abraham were inherited by Jacob, through his... 5128 baldness 5128 baldness Loss of hair on the head as the result of natural causes or deliberate action... 5130 beard 5130 beard References to the beard Eze 5:1 See also Jdg 16:17...
Palestine PALESTINE păl’ ə stīn (פְּלָֽשֶׁת, perhaps migrant). A commonly used name for the Holy Land. I... Peacemaker PEACEMAKER (εἰρηνοποιός, G1648, the one who makes peace or reconciles parties who are in... Pet...