3.Start your daily Bible reading plan! 4.Record your Bible reading progress. Complete your scheduled Bible reading each day. Then check the box next to that day's reading on the reading plan panel to record and track your completion. ...
1 #1 Bible Reading Plan Chronological Cross-Reference Bible Reading Plan BibleStudyTogether.com Key Features: OT Chronological, Cross-Referenced NT Readings, Daily Questions, Maps, Videos, Built-in Prayer App, Private Group Social Network IntegrationDuration: One or Two YearFormat: App, PDF Journal...
M’Cheyne Bible Reading PlanThe classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.Duration: 365 daysChinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) (CCB) 历代志上 17 上帝对大卫的应许 17 大卫住进宫殿后,对拿单先知说:“你看,我住在香柏木建的王宫中,耶和华的...
M’Cheyne Bible Reading PlanThe classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day.Duration: 365 daysChinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) (CCB) 历代志下 13 亚比雅与耶罗波安争战 13 耶罗波安王执政第十八年,亚比雅登基做犹大王, 2 在耶路撒冷执政三年。
We make reading the Bible a priority at our church with a new Bible Reading Plan every year. It is our desire that the church body would read the Scriptures together, and come to a ever-deepening understanding of God’s purpose and plan for our lives. We welcome others around the world...
Helping you read through the entire Bible in a year. Sign up to receive free daily email reminders containing one or more links to that day's reading.
Helping you read through the entire Bible in a year. Sign up to receive free daily email reminders containing one or more links to that day's reading.
Bible Study Together’s Bible reading plan interweaves the New Testament and Old Testament together in a single tapestry so that Old Testament stories, psalms, and prophecies connect as much as possible to New Testament teaching without losing their original context (Note: It is also Chronological...
5 Day Reading Plan is now on social! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for encouragement in your reading and announcements for the new things come from the 5 Day Team! Would you like to better understand each day's Bible ...
1. Start reading the Bible today -- there is no better time, and there's no reason to wait. Pick a Bible reading plan that will help you know where to start. 2. Set aside a specific time each day. Set your schedule and then stick to it. Mornings are great, but feel free to ...