Rather than describing a divine rescue plan for a chosen few, what if it is the description ofa great cosmic unfoldingthat began with an explosion of love so powerful that nothing can stop it from reaching outwards, and continues on and on not just through history, but through each and ever...
Thus, while the narrative in Genesis absolves Lot of any choice by describing him as completely intoxicated and totally unaware,Genesis Rabbahputs negative agency in Lot’s hands, accusing him of desiring and even bringing about the situation which led his daughters to seduce him. The sages just...
The Corinthians who had been disturbed by two teachers of heresy sent a letter to Paul describing their pernicious doctrines, which were to the effect that the prophets had no authority, that God was not almighty, that there was no resurrection of the body, that man had not been made by G...
To whom was the Revelation of Jesus, The Anointed One written? The study of the nature of being is ontology. Friction is resistance and contrariness to being acted upon. “They rub me the wrong way,” is a way of describing this. Ontological friction is then a state of being that is i...
“Excuse me, sir, I don’t mean to trouble you but I just saw Jesus come down from heaven in a burst of beautiful light and announce to me in a booming voice, ‘I AM THE SON OF GOD. YOU ARE NOW MY MESSENGER.’ Would you mind, Dr. McGrath, if I ask you a few questions abou...
The verses Jehovah's Witnesses assume undermine Christ's deity are actually verses describing this aspect of Him at the creation. For the very first thing that God created was this form for His Son to indwell! (See Gen. 1:26 along with Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14: Heb. 1:3; 5:5; 10...
What God looks like is beyond our capability of understanding and describing. God gives glimpses of what He looks like to teach us truths about Himself, not necessarily so that we can have an image of Him in our minds. G. Connor Salter Contributing Writer Updated Jun 24, 2024 ...
Throughout this book all quotes are italicised, with Jesus’ words in red. I have used a variety of different translations of The Bible. The computer program e-Sword has been a wonderful resource and I tend to use numerous translations, often also looking at the Hebrew or Greek to try to...
The titles of various sections are lumped in with the verses so you don’t know if it’s part of the verse or just a heading describing the next part of the passage. Pro: you can mark a chapter as read if you are reading through the Bible in a year, but wait, the marking ...
COMMUNION,Paul’s term describing the nature of the Lord’s Supper is the term used by many church groups, referring to theirCELEBRATIONof Jesus’ final memorial supper with His disciples. Paul used the Greek term“Koinonia”to express the basic meaning of the Christian faith, a sharing in th...