and sometimes we find a slightly different translation when compared to the Masoretic text. In some places the TgJ adds or changes some details to clarify the meaning or to make connections with other parts of the Tanakh. For example, in these verses, the Targum changes the word“grass...
has done evil in the sight of the LORD your God and has violated the covenant by serving other gods or by worshiping the sun, the moon, or any of the forces of heaven, which I have strictly forbidden. When you hear about it, investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is...
Holy Bible Quotes I find nothing in the Bible but holiness, and nothing in the world but worldliness. Therefore, if I live in the world, I will become worldly; on the other hand, if I live in the Bible, I will become holy. —Smith Wigglesworth 127 Behold the Lamb of God who takes...
Bible Quotes for May 20 Kill Followers of Other Religions While the Israelites were camped at Acacia, some of the men defiled themselves by sleeping with the local Moabite women. These women invited them to attend sacrifices to their gods, and soon the Israelites were feasting with them and ...
An appropriate description of idolatry and all false religions. Ac 14:16 allowed all nations. 14:16 allowed all nations. The path that they all have walked is described in Rom. 1:18–32. Ac 14:17 did not leave Himself without witness. 14:17 ...
HUMILITY. Unique to Biblical faith, humility is a virtue to which other religions accord no... Imprecatory Psalms IMPRECATORY PSALMS. In some of the psalms, the authors appeal in prayer to God requesting that... Inheritance INHERITANCE (נַחֲלָ...
There I was, sitting in the town square tying to sell a few pots, when everyone started to run down towards the road. Naomi and old Jebediah almost knocked each other flying in their haste. “What is going on?” I shouted “What’s all the excitement about?” But no one would stop...
Satan will always find you something to do, when you ought to be occupied about that - if it is only arranging a window blind! — Hudson Taylor 25 I wish I studied more religions, I wish I read the Bible, the Quran. I think as I get older, I will start to really dive into ...
The second idea I want to present to you is that when Jesus shared this with his disciples during the sermon on the mount, it set him apart from every other religious teaching of his time and even later. Many other religions and philosophies had and continue to have thinking along these ...
Other Religions & Cults chapter 19: Why They Blow Themselves Up: Understanding Islamic Suicide Bombers from a Christian Perspective by John Christian · 370 chapter 20: A Theological and Apologetical Assessment of Positive Confession Theology by Ron Rhodes · 382 ...