This term is... Passion PASSION (πάσχω, G4248, to suffer mental anguish, to suffer death. In the former sense both the... Pauline Theology PAULINE THEOLOGY. The letters of Paul, containing the message of the apostle, were written to... Pentecost PENTECOST pĕn’ t...
I say this with all respect so that it don't upset you too bad, but I say it anyway. When I read in the Bible where he [Jesus] says, 'I Am,' I just smile and say, 'Yes, I Am, too!' —Kenneth Copeland 185 The prohibition of science would be contrary to the Bible, which ...
登山训众论福 - 耶稣看见这许多的人,就上了山,既已坐下,门徒到他跟前来, 他就开口教训他们,说: “虚心的人有福了!因为天国是他们的。 哀恸的人有福了!因为他们必得安慰。
he returned to Jerusalem. King Josiah then issued this order to all the people: “You must celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, as it is written in the Book of the Covenant.” There had not been a Passover celebration like that...
too, will be fighting at Jerusalem. The wealth of all the neighboring nations will be captured – great quantities of gold and silver and fine clothing. This same plague will strike the horses, mules, camels, donkeys, and all the other animals in the enemy camps. In the end, the enemies...
Jesus while on Earth in human form declared that "The heavens and Earth will pass away, but MY WORDS will never pass away." In saying this, Jesus again asserted that He was/is and forever will be the undying and eternal Word of God! Jesus also said to the Jews of His time in Israe...
This too has a simple, surface level interpretation. If we simply avoid all the stuff that Jesus warns us about in today’s Gospel lesson, follow the Ten Commandments, and fill the rest of our lives with all the things Paul was adamant about, we’ll be in good shape. Except, of ...
Alyssa Roat offers a quote that gives insight into Nimrod’s frame of mind. “The ancient historian Josephus states of Nimrod, ‘He also said he would be revenged on God if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to ...
Also, this time point tells us why the Apostle Paul changed the quote to “the Deliverer shall come from Zion” rather than “to Zion,” as in Isaiah 59:20. And this is because in a typical way, Jesus had already come to Zion. When he came to Jerusalem on a foal triumphantly and ...
“Do you not know you will pass judgement on angels?” Do you really think your qualified to judge what you know nothing of? So as the Gentiles on YT blaspheme God’s Deity and the stories erase the true Sons of God we ask this question. ...