We believe that the Bible is God’s Holy Word, we simply hold a different interpretation of the scripture on the issue of homosexuality.” 5 Quote (http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005143 ): The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and ...
21此时,人们都在外面等待着撒迦利亚,他们都不明白为什么撒迦利亚在大殿里面呆了这么久。22当撒迦利亚出来时,竟不能对人们讲话了,人们意识到他在大殿里看到了异象,既然撒迦利亚说不出话来,他只好向大家打手势示意。23等到在大殿里供职的日期一到,他便回家去了。 24过了一...
On p. 119 of the book Thomas Jefferson (1918), written by David Saville Muzzey, Ph.D., who was then a professor of history at Colombia University, I have found the very enlightening quote that follows below: An American brig, the Betsy, was seized and taken to Morocco in the spring ...
Now, I must admit, that in the original context, Cain is not merely speaking as a fully logical, thought driven man, for he has just performed the first murder, and that of his brother, a righteous man. I imagine he is high on adrenaline, full of conflict, guilt and condemnation, eve...
as a theological technology for making sense of our relationship with god, and to give meaning to the death of Jesus on the Cross. Pelagius held with the Celtic tradition, which saw humans as containing the living god in the core of our being – clearly not compatable with original sin. ...
InWhat Was the Sin That Condemned the Tower of Babel?Alyssa Roat offers a quote that gives insight into Nimrod’s frame of mind. “The ancient historian Josephus states of Nimrod, ‘He also said he would be revenged on God if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that...
I had to do a double-take to ensure I wasn't seeing things: The Bible is now available on Steam in the form of a Kinetic Novel.
lifting up and deliverance which had been wrought in that day, saying... "The verse which follows is very paraphrastic; instead of the 7 words of the verse in the Massoretic Text the Targum has 55. it is too long to quote in full, but it begins, "Because the house of Israel rebel...
圣灵使人脱离罪的律得自由 - 所以现在,那些在耶稣基督里的人就不被定罪了; 因为生命之灵的律在基督耶稣里使我自由,脱离了罪和死的律。 律法是因肉体而软弱无力,所作不到的, 神作到了:他差遣自己的儿子成为罪身的样式,为了除掉罪,就在肉体中把罪判决了,
The first was repeated by Chuck many multiple times as he would quote Acts 20 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. For I know this, ...