I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) So Jesus is truth and Jesus is also the Word (John 1:1, 14). As Christians we believe that every word in the Bible is true; this is the foundation upon which we live ...
What Does the Bible Mean When It Says Jesus Was Full of Grace and Truth?Kinsolving, Carey
But Jesus said unto them," A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house." - Bible | Honour Quotes Add to Favorite List When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the...
Go AD-FREE and study on the go! Access $3,100+ in premium Bible study resources online or in-app. Join Bible Gateway Plus! 50 Major Events in the Bible Trace the major plot points in the Bible's overarching narrative with this guide and infographic. ...
The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world. —Charles Dickens 9 Short Bible Quotes How do we bring glory to God? The Bible’s short answer is: by growing more and more like Jesus Christ. —Sinclair B. Ferguson ...
A resource site for Jesus Christ tracts & Jesus Christ info, ChristJesusBible.com is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which Kenneth Street's Jesus Christ tracts ministry and others join together in the work of God's Earthward Outreac
He not only said, “I am the Way,” but He said, “I am the Truth,” or, “I am the Reality.” When I saw that word translated Reality, it gripped me. Jesus is the answer of the age-old cry of the human spirit for Reality. ...
The Man in the Tree and the Brand New Start: A True Story about Zacchaeus and the Difference Knowing Jesus Makes – Carl Laferton and Catalina Echeverri May 21, 2024Bethany DavidsonComments Off This new installment in the Tales that Tell the Truth series retells the story of Zacchaeus. Alth...
They simply couldn’t accept it, and Jesus wasn’t going to deny the truth or modify what He had told them. The fact that many of Jesus’ followers left Him over the necessity to eat His flesh and drink His blood is sadly illustrative of how this issue would, at different times in ...
God is not a mystery to us. He has given us a revelation and knowledge of Himself. We are to worship God the Father in spirit and truth. The woman at the well did not know what she worshipped. But Jesus revealed it to her.