“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” Matthew 7: 15, ...
The next day one of you would sneak into my room and take it back. You would maybe say to yourself “Well, Daddy didn’t tell me that I couldn’t do this today.” But you knew that what you were doing was wrong. People are like that sometimes: they know what’s wrong but ...
"不能停止聚会",他们喜欢quote这句经文来让所有人一定要参加他们周三的midweek,周五的bt,周一的family night,周二周四的发展下线行动,周日的Sunday,强制,一次都不能缺,父母死了都不行,否则就不顺服,不属灵,甚至不是基督徒了。我只是想说,如果你要按字面的意思来理解,word by word,聚会结束了就大家都不能回家,...
So the LORD said to Solomon: “Since this is what you want, and you have not kept my covenant and my statutes which I enjoined on you, I will deprive you of the kingdom and give it to your servant. I will not do this during your lifetime, however, for the sake of your father ...
9He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” 10This terrified them and they asked, “What have you done?” (They knew he was running away from the LORD, because he had already told them so.) ...
Bible Quote for August 20 Natural Disasters are God’s Wrath The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go...
Bible memorization might help you win a memorization contest, but it’s not that good for much else. Why do I say all this? Because anyone can memorize and quote Bible verses. Satan quotes Scripture at Jesus, after all. Satan can probably quote the entire Bible. So for me, what is ...
I’ve Never Smelled Better! #Sponsored Follow Us BroBible may earn a commission if you buy a product or service via links in this article. by Tom ConroyLast Updated Jan 19, 2025 2:47 pm Tom Conroy/Emily Prymula As I settle into my 30s, I can’t help but relate to a quote from...
In aprevious post, I wrote this; What would the world look like if Augustine had lost the argument with Pelagius? What if we had never been convinced of our ‘original sin’, but instead built our thinking around the idea oforiginal sacredness at the core of everything that has breath?
Only the Holy Spirit gives eternal life. Those born only once, with physical birth, will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spiritual life. MSG Jesus sensed that his disciples were having a hard time with this and said, “Does this rattle you complete...