“Let the nations be called to arms. Let them march to the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I, the LORD, will sit to pronounce judgment on them all. Now let the sickle do its work, for the harvest is ripe. Come, tread the winepress because it is full. The storage vats are overflowing ...
Some of it goes way out there and you probably won’t agree with it, but it’s probably some of the best thinking on sex, marriage, and the body for a long time. If I were you guys, I’d try to look some of it up to see the things he highlights. Updates March 1, 2020: A...
Bible Quote for August 11 Hammer Tent Peg Into Head Meanwhile, Sisera ran to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite, because Heber’s family was on friendly terms with King Jabin of Hazor. Jael went out to meet Sisera and said to him, “Come into my tent, sir. Come in. ...
m usually the guy with the excuses. Also because my excuses are usually pretty good. In response to needing an excuse for not having updated this blog since October 23 of last year, allow me to quote Sweet Brown (my favorite person ever) and say, “Ain’t nobody got time for dat!”...
A resource site for Bible info & Jesus Christ info & Jesus Christ tracts, JesusChristBible.com is a gospel tracts and Christian Bible study ministry in which Kenneth Street's Jesus Christ tracts ministry and others join together in the work of God's Eart
Augustine make clear a connection with other pagan figures with lecherous reputations, and a quote from King Jame’s Daemonologie offers a more innovative notion that the incubus and succubus are two faces of the same demon. Each fulfills what Augustine sees as the purpose of the paired ...
Posted onMarch 19, 2024 3 Trigger warning-this is a small diversion into Bible history. For some this might be a turn-off right there, whereas others may find it goes to places that they are simply uncomfortable with. There will also be bible scholars who will take issue with some – ...
March 29, 2023 Words “Demon, Demons” Are No Longer In Any KJVB Fallen Fallen the Temples Have Fallen to Wickedness & Darkness Within. Which temples? Why, the holy places of course…the places that housed God’s sacred words. And second, the place which housed God’s Divine Presence....
March 1st Chronological Bible Readings Numbers 6:1-27; Numbers 10:1-36~ Click here to read today's Scripture on Bible Gateway ~~ Listen to today's Scripture with The ESV Bible ~ Today in Numbers chapter 6 we read about the Nazirite laws! The Nazirite vows could be taken for as little...
Words:John Edgar Park (b. March 7, 1879; d. March 4, 1956) Music:Cushman, by Herbert Barclay Turner (b. July 17, 1852; d. May 1, 1927) Note:This hymn uses the same four opening words as that of Anna Warner: “We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen,” but Park’s is...