Last 3 plays: jogreen (10/10), Safder (3/10), Quizaddict1 (5/10). Move the names to where they belong. The order doesn't matter. Vineyard owner Hunter Farmer Soldier Tax Collector Naboth Noah Cornelius Cain Gideon Esau Zacchaeus Matthew Nimrod Uriah * Drag / drop or click on the ...
Quiz: 1 Samuel Quiz: 2 Samuel Quiz: Luke Quiz: Acts Quiz: 1st and 2nd Corinthians Quiz: Ephesians Quiz: Hebrews Quiz: 1 and 2 Peter Quiz: John’s Three Epistles Quiz: The Parables of Jesus Quiz: Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount Biblical Answers to Personally Challenging Questions ...
Y Samuel le dijo: —Ahí tienes lo que estaba apartado para ti. Sírvete y come, porque yo la había apartado para ti en esta ocasión en que invité al pueblo. Saúl comió con Samuel aquel día. 25 Y cuando bajaron del santuario a la ciudad, prepararon una cama en la azotea para ...
Added a Jonah 1 quiz to the quizzes page.Thursday, March 26, 2015Added the article "Why Not Pray to Jesus?" to the media page, which is a very brief summary of the subject. Also added a 2 Samuel 9 quiz to the quizzes page....
Junior Bible Quizzing began in the United Pentecostal Church International in 1982. This ministry is the real life application of Deut. 6:7. “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way...
Philosopher 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 lover of wisdom 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 235 建立者 Samuel_Lewis546 2個月前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 ANIMAL FARM TEST 35個詞語 thegraysonp23 預覽 vcr #8 15個詞語 grierlove 預覽 PHL-180 Philosophy Quizzes 95個詞語 paigehout2005 預覽 The...
1 John one verse at a time 4 Put on Your Armor! 4 10 percent 4 Psalm 119 4 Gracepoint Minneapolis 4 Independent Fundamental Baptist KJV Only 4 Watermark 9 Week Challenge 4 UPCI Bible Quizzing 4 Comp Chapters '84 NIV 4 bible remember now bowl or bob will get you 3 Brothers In Christ...
Britannica Quiz Pop Quiz: 19 Things to Know About Christianity Given such complexity, it is natural that throughout Christian history both those in the tradition and those surrounding it have made attempts at simplification. Two ways to do this have been to concentrate on the “essence” of the...
Although in this account he anoints Saul as a concession to popular pressure, Samuel warns of the loss of personal and tribal freedom that will follow and interprets the action as tantamount to a rejection of God. Britannica Quiz Kings and Emperors (Part III) Quiz Saul’s reign In many ...
FIND THE 16 BOOKS OF THE BIBLE QUIZThis is a challenging quiz to find 16 books of the Bible hidden in a paragraph. Print it out for your Sunday school or Bible study. ANN JUDSON: A LIFE OF SELF-DENIAL Read about this remarkable Christian woman; the first American woman missionary to go...