You must take up your cross every day and follow me. DARBY And he said to [them] all, If any one will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me; DLNT And He was saying to everyone, “If anyone wants to be coming after Me, let him deny ...
You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. CLOSING 1 Jn 2:15–17–Love not...
You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. CLOSING 1 Jn 2:15–17–Love not...
You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. CLOSING 1 Jn 2:15–17–Love not...
You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. CLOSING 1 Jn 2:15–17–Love not...
Discover what it means to pick up your cross and follow Jesus. The Crucified Life small group Christian study is designed to reflect upon the Seven Last Words of Christ from the cross and what they mean for us today. Walk the road of Calvary with Jesus in order to grow closer to Him....
When you come to Jesus Christ in faith, it’s amazing. But as great as that day is, when you pick up your cross every day and follow Christ faithfully over a lifetime—right to the finish line—that is even more amazing. But it’s not easy. Join us in Hebrews chapter 12 for enco...
You Must Pick Up Your Cross 34Jesus called the crowd to him along with his disciples. He said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must say no to themselves. They must pick up their cross and follow me.35Whoever wants to save their life will lose it. But whoever loses their life for ...
You are to deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus. You are to die to yourself daily. Jesus is to be not only your Savior, but also your Lord and King. Do these things, and you shall live. Compromise, and you may expect to perish. CLOSING 1 Jn 2:15–17–Love not...
Jesus, lived a sinless life and as part of the providential plan was brutally murdered on a Roman cross ( Acts 2 v23). But death could not hold its sinless victim. Jesus was resurrected from the dead (Acts 2 v 24) and now sits on the right side of the Father (Mark 16 v ...