Go AD-FREE and study on the go! Access $3,100+ in premium Bible study resources online or in-app. Join Bible Gateway Plus! 50 Major Events in the Bible Trace the major plot points in the Bible's overarching narrative with this guide and infographic. ...
You might find yourself puzzled over passages. You might also struggle to connect the dots between different verses. A study Bible can be your guiding light. I... Read More 14 Nov 2024 How Bible-Based Meditation Helps Students Manage Stress In the hectic academia, students always stress ...
a form of divination using books, especially the Bible, in which passages are chosen at random and the future foretold from them. dittology a doublé reading or interpretation, especially of a Bible passage. eisegesis the introduction by an interpreter of his own ideas into a text under explica...
Many passages in the Bible exhibit chiastic structure, for example, Mark 2:2, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath”, and Matthew 23:12, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted”. Bing Xin is very skilled and practiced ...
Sign-up to receive, once a month, the free NIrV Parent Packet, based on the popular easy-to-read New International Reader’s Version Bible translation! Who's In Charge of a World That Suffers? Billy Graham offers faith-filled insights of comfort, reassurance, and hope to this often-asked...
Secondly, topical Bible reading plans enable readers to gain a broader perspective on a particular subject by examining relevant passages from both the Old and New Testaments. By exploring the Bible in this comprehensive manner, readers can gain a more holistic understanding of God’s wisdom and ...
* Favorite passages you cherish * Get reminders to listen to the Daily Bible Verse * Download and listen to Scripture offline * Repeat and reflect on Scripture at any time * Layer intimate background music into your Scripture listening experience ...
- Read or listen to ESV passages without leaving the app - Easily record progress, even if reading outside the app - Receive daily reminders to read - Quickly find and listen to episodes of the Sovereign Hope podcast 新内容 2024年12月21日 ...
When life gets rough, God’s Word lifts us up and gives us stamina and courage to carry on. Here are ten powerful passages that can give you strength when you need it most. 1. God is my strength and defense:Exodus 15:1–4
The Bible is full of great verses and passages about the topic of love. God’s love for us is a perfect example and starting place to study on love. There are also great verses about love in relation to marriage, brotherly love orfriendship, and loving your neighbor. Here is a collectio...