The Bible has numerous passages about war and peace, many of which contradict one another. In some places in the Bible, God sanctions war as much of... Learn more about this topic: The Bible as Literary Influence: References and Allusion ...
The Bible is full of useful information to anyone who wants to know more about God or about how to live for God. Some passages are about love or wisdom or even history, but reading the Bible on a regular basis is a great way to let some of that knowledge soak into your soul. Every...
These passages and themes collectively show that the Bible acknowledges the pain of grief and offers profound comfort, communal support, and the hope of eternal relief from suffering. Top 10 Comforting Bible Verses about Grief Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comfort...
祸哉! 那些下埃及求帮助的,是因仗赖马匹,倚靠甚多的车辆,并倚靠强壮的马兵,却不仰望以色列的圣者,也不求问耶和华。其实,耶和华有智慧;他必降灾祸,并不反
Many may feel a deep interest in wars, battles and fighting. But there is another warfare of far greater importance than any war that was ever waged by man. It is a warfare which concerns not two or three nations only, but every Christian man and woman i
One of the most famous bible passages about power is found in 2 Samuel 22:33 (NKJV) which says "God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect." God is full of power and authority. In Psalm 29:4 (KJV), it says "The voice of the LORD is powerful, the voice of ...
以色列带着一切所有的,起身来到别是巴,就献祭给他父亲以撒的 神。夜间, 神在异象中对以色列说:雅各!雅各!他说:我在这里。 神说:我是神,就是你父亲的
and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for...
Scripture provides clarity on this topic. One of the most relevant passages addressing the source of conflict isJames 4:1-3, and in this brief article, we will explore how James’s words shed light on the conflict we often experience in our relationships. 1. Conflict Comes from Within (Jam...
犹太首领策划杀害耶稣 - 说完这些,耶稣又对他的门徒们说: “你们知道,后天就是逾越节了,那天人子将被交给他的敌人,钉死在十字架上。” 祭司长和年长的犹太首领聚集在大祭司该亚法家的院子里。 他们秘密策划设法逮捕耶稣,并杀害他。