The Islamic imperialists of that time were in fact successful in their invasion of the vast kingdom of China, stealing huge provinces of China and forcing their people into Mohammedanism. The modern-day regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan were actually provin...
9:17 “Stolen water” seems to refer to adultery, for “water” in 5:15–17 refers to the wife’s sexuality; “stolen” refers to stealing the sexuality belonging to another’s household. “Secret” evokes the furtive meeting of the wife and the youth in chap. 7. 9:18 The banquet ...
犹太首领策划杀害耶稣 - 说完这些,耶稣又对他的门徒们说: “你们知道,后天就是逾越节了,那天人子将被交给他的敌人,钉死在十字架上。” 祭司长和年长的犹太首领聚集在大祭司该亚法家的院子里。 他们秘密策划设法逮捕耶稣,并杀害他。
Most Christians are familiar with only a few passages in the Bible, those on "salvation," or maybe a few passages on "the rapture" or "the second coming." Most Christians have never read the history of the rise of the State or the idolatry and infanticide of the kings, and the ...
Lord, help us in all these passages from the known to the unknown, and from the youth to the maturity of the soul. The Lord look upon us, and we shall be well again. One glance of love, one smile of approbation, one touch of thine hand, and we shall be as the angels. If we ...
However, a specific role of women in the history of Israel can be perceived in several passages in the NT. Romans 4:19 and Heb 11:11 allude to the bibli- cal story about Abraham's and Sarah's barrenness (see esp. Gen 18:11). In both instances the focus is on the faith of ...
Here’s the last thing I want to say today: the part of BOOK where I look at all the bible passages one at a time is over, but I’d love to keep going if you’ll have me. If you have comments and questions and topics you’d like me to explore in future supplements, whatever ...
The contrast between belief and disobedience is clearly seen in passages such as John 3:36, “He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” (ASV). The Apostle Peter made a direct ...
17this term means the vernacular Aramaic. In other passages it is doubtful which is meant. Josephus uses the same name for both. From the time of the Targums, Hebrew is called "the sacred tongue" in contrast to the Aramaic of everyday use. The language of the Old Testament is called Ol...
The Islamic imperialists of that time were in fact successful in their invasion of the vast kingdom of China, stealing huge provinces of China and forcing their people into Mohammedanism. The modern-day regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkmenistan were actually provin...