sincere.Honestyis so important that even it is constantely mentioned in passages of theBibleand other holly books. Once Benjamin Franklin said “Honestyis the best policy”‚ also Thomas Jefferson mentioned it in a letter to Nathaniel Macon‚ where he said “Honestyis the first chapter in ...
8275 honesty Behaviour, in action and words, that aims to convey truth. This quality is an... 8279 innocence, examples of 8279 innocence, examples of Innocence is displayed most purely in Jesus Christ but is also... 8298 love, for one another 8298 love, ...
8275 honesty Behaviour, in action and words, that aims to convey truth. This quality is an... 8281 insight 8281 insight The spiritual quality that enables a person to appreciate God’s mind and will in... 8282 intolerance ...
We have come to relish our familial relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ through the Word! The honesty and transparency has risen each week because of the Word! Then our time of prayer is one of precious communion prepared by the Word!
They talk about Judaism and film-making before reading some pretty goofy passages about demons in the Talmud. Want more? Follow OMGWTFBIBLE on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. There are so many ways to listen to the latest episode! You can listen using the SoundCloud thingie above or by ...
The Bible is not a work of fiction and anyone with a shred of honesty would agree. But I believe the good news overshadows the bad news by a long stretch. Costco is selling the Bible. The Word of God is making its way to the body of Christ and the masses by various means. ...
And if they are non-Jewish, would they even bother with this idea or be familiar with these passages in the Jewish scriptures? A king on a donkey?! Why not ignore the prophecy about the Messiah coming as a king on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9)? Not a great selling point for their ...
Welcome We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the full knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding to lead a life worthy of the Lord, f
If they ask, “What is it about?” Tell them the Truth. “It is a Gospel Bible Tract. It will show you How to Get to Heaven.” Hand Out GO! Gospel Bible Tracts, the“Seed of Eternal Life”with a Sincere and Very Pleasant Smile And Say“Hi, I would like to share Good News wit...
And when we read passages in the Bible that talk about “in the world but not of the world” or “those who have ears should hear” or “He was in the world but the world did not know Him” we should also think about this meaning. As Christians, it’s not us versus them. Just...