Both the Old Testament and New Testament are packed with words specifically geared toward motivating and inspiring men to love and serve in their most closely held relationships. As with all Bible verses, it can be helpful to read entire passages surrounding a Bible verse that piques your interes...
a form of divination using books, especially the Bible, in which passages are chosen at random and the future foretold from them. dittology a doublé reading or interpretation, especially of a Bible passage. eisegesis the introduction by an interpreter of his own ideas into a text under explica...
Foundation FOUNDATION (יָסַד֒, H3569, to found; καταβολή, G2856, founding, and θεμέλιος, G2529,... Frame FRAME. The Old Testament. 1. Five Heb. words tr. “frame” in the RSV refer ...
• View Thesis | Thesis 13: The Fall of Man The Calvinistic doctrine of "The Depravity of Man" is the foundation of "checks and balances," a "separation of powers," and "The Bill of Rights." In one of the most famous passages of The Federalist, No. 51, James Madison said, "If...
亚伯拉罕买地葬撒拉 - 撒拉享年一百二十七岁, 在迦南境内的基列·亚巴,即希伯仑去世。亚伯拉罕在那里痛哭,哀悼她。 他从妻子尸体旁边站起来对赫人说: “我是寄居在你们这里的异乡人,请你们给我一块地,我好埋葬我的亡妻。”
This paper is an attempt to compile as many biblical passages as possible with regard to this topic: categorized and expressed as briefly as possible, for the purpose of quick referencing and replying to Protestant “faith alone” arguments. For the background and clarification on basic Protestant...
xxi. 3. The word rendered 'dwelt' in these three passages, is a peculiar one. It is only found in the New Testament--in this Gospel and in the Book of Revelation. That fact constitutes one of the many subtle threads of connection between these two books, which at first sight seem so...
- Daily New and Old Testament passages often connected so you see how the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament - Bible Reading Plan makes it so you can read the whole Bible with short readings that take less than 10 minutes - Read at your own pace: 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, or...
SCEPTER (שֵׁ֫בֶט, H8657, in some passages שַׁרְבִיט, H9222, in Esth; מַטֵּה־עֹ֔ז in Jer 48:17;... Schin SCHIN shen (שׁ). The twenty-first letter of the Heb. alphabet. In the...
引言- 提阿费罗大人哪,在前一卷书中,我确实写了有关耶稣开始做的和教导的一切事, 一直到他藉着圣灵吩咐了他所拣选的使徒们之后,被接升天的那一天为止。 耶稣受难之后,用很多确据向这些人显明自己是活着的。他在四十天的时间里向他们显现,并且讲说有关神国的事。 应许