Go AD-FREE and study on the go! Access $3,100+ in premium Bible study resources online or in-app. Join Bible Gateway Plus! 50 Major Events in the Bible Trace the major plot points in the Bible's overarching narrative with this guide and infographic. ...
6:3). Because He is holy, God cannot behold sin (Habakkuk 1:13), and this will keep everyone from God because of our sinful state. But sinful acts will keep people from God, too. It’s a dual problem—sinners and sin. For the good news, see the subheading below about Jesus ...
God, What About Me? 5 Days• Start plan Kingdom Come 15 Days• Start plan New Year, New Mercies 15 Days• Start plan Following Jesus Our Mediator 7 Days• Start plan 20/20: Seen. Chosen. Sent. By Christine Caine 7 days• ...
that “Bing Xin composed a series of ‘sacred poems’ as her own poetic response to the striking beauty of biblical images”, and that “Zhou Zuoren regarded the Bible as a treasured anthology of Jewish literature and appreciated the humanistic values embodied in the teachings of Jesus” (...
For example, we’re used to hearing that the Great Commission in Matthew 28 is all about Jesus telling us to GO. But when I turn on my Logos visual filter . . . . . . I see something entirely different. So the imperative verb in the Great Commission is to “make disciples”—that...
For Jesus is mercy. The heart of Christ, the heart of Christianity, is loving forgiveness. That’s what makes following Christ such a difficult and daily challenge for us. If we could simply recite our way into joy, into goodness and righteousness, then we would only have to tick off our...
Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Ephesians 2:8-9: “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no ...
Meaning:True love is sacrificial and generous. Jesus was willing to give his life for others out of love. 11. 1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us." (ESV) Meaning:This short Bible verse about love is a reminder that we only have the power to love others because of God'...
” The passages cited above use the terms, “sufferings” and “rising, glories.” Jesus began with Moses to talk about these two trajectories pictured there and Peter says these trajectories define what the prophets composed – not just the literal prophets, but the entirety of the Hebrew ...
In case they would follow all the teachings of Christ Jesus, […] Those grafted in again The apostle Paul wrote about the dispersion, the dispersed House of Israel. They had been “without covenant“, but Paul was sent out to recover them. So they were “grafted in again“ (Romans 11/...