so if you wage war, obtain guidance. 19 A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much. 20 If someone curses their father or mother, their lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness. 21 An inheritance claimed too soon will not be blessed at the end. 22 Do not sa...
___③___ Chinese thinkers were strongly worried about the horrors of misused and arbitrary power, of violence and of war. For them these things were Hell enough. ___④___ Blessedness, for Chinese thinkers, is not a condition to be hoped for after death, but in life on Earth in a ...
Answer by Shirley H , Wife, mother, veteran in the spiritual war we all face! Supporter Why don't most modern day translations include Acts 24:7? I think that this could also be just a transcription error. Also here's a thought: I also think that that particular verse has no ...
As you will see in some of the battle verses I will list below – there are several verses that talk about God the Father being a“Man of War,”and that He can be stirred up to go into battle for you. And the way that you stir up God the Father to go into battle for you is...
In various parts of the world today, Islamists are also waging terror war against Hindus, Buddhists, and all other "infidels." The imposition of Islam upon the entire world is not merely their goal. It is their religious duty. They are following the word of their holy book, the Koran,...
Israel wanted a king "like the gentiles," and God said this was a rejection of God (1 Samuel 8). ← Read that passage. Having a king is a rejection of God.Having a military is a rejection of God.Is the Bible about going to heaven when you die, or is the Bible an Anarchist ...
I am currently in physical therapy. You can read about the problem in“Ladies and Gentlemen,”and my first five visits in“The War is Long.” Sixth Visit: “Today we will work with the weighted ball. Please stand here and twist from side to side ten times. Again.” ...
Paul (Rom. 8:23) goes further and asserts that this passage does not merely offer us an example, but describes the perpetual situation of the church. Therefore we are assigned, by God's decree, the perpetual warfare of bearing the cross. At times God spares our weakness by allo...