King James Version Old Testament and New Testament narrated by Alexander Scourby the Bible on cassette 1974 in four volumesalexander scourby
King James VersionKJV The KJV is the first version of Scripture authorized by the Protestant church and commissioned by England's King James I. New Living TranslationNLT Using modern English, the translators of the NLT focused on producing clarity in the meaning of the text rather than creating...
The Book of Revelations (A Jelenések Könyve) – Hungarian Audio Bible | Audio Cassette $9.99 Quantity: Decrease Quantity of The Book of Revelations (A Jelenések Könyve) – Hungarian Audio Bible | Audio Cassette Increase Quantity of The Book of Revelations (A Jelenések Könyve) ...
Written by Gerry Goffin and Carole King, 'Chains' was recorded during the 13-hour session in which The Beatles recorded the bulk of thePlease Please Mealbum. See more » On this day in Beatles history 2013:Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band live: CBS Canterbury Arena, Christchurch ...
the evening meal and the drinks. We were playing a cassette of our new recordings and my song ‘Here, There And Everywhere’ was on. And I remember John saying, ‘You know, I probably like that better than any of my songs on the tape.’ Coming from John, that was high praise indeed...
The Holy Bible, English New Testament - New King James Version (Complete 12 Audio Cassette Tape Set) (The Gospel Unto All Nations)
I just bought a copy on cassette, and it appears to be a different mix than the one I’m used to hearing (the one on Apple Music, for example has no audible Leslie effected instruments). At first I thought something was happening to the tape, but then realized it sounds like a ...
These are HOME cassette demos…every last one of them represents a solo effort from John, Paul and George. As I stated earlier, there are ZERO Beatles songs, in demo form, that are examples of collaboration…they are all solo efforts on the tapes (as you would expect!…you’re at YOUR...