Number 44 MURDERERS: Secret Plots THEME 5 – WORK OF GRACE Number 45 PRESERVED LIFE: Barely Survived Number 46 RECONSTRUCTED LIFE: Resurrection Number 47 HUMILITY: Submission Number 48 FATHER’S BLESSING: Inheritance Number 49 TIME OF THE END Number 50 FIRE: Purify: Persec...
By this reasoning only later was the number of men in such a unit fixed at one thousand. The army included 600 troops of soldiers. Each of these solutions has numerous problems implicit in it, so that a final solution cannot be claimed. b. Biblical evaluation of the period. It often ...
Hebrews 13 says, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today and forever.” Not only is this one of the most popular verses in Scripture, it’s also one of the most misapplied verses, as well. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, examines its meaning and proper application and puts to...
Despite the sometimes cataclysmic changes that these religious arguments brought about, we have a different problem now. Churches are empty. Sure, I know there are exceptions, but here in the UK, the number of people who attend church is still declining, still aging, still arguing and as such...
Pastor John McArthur speaks of the Biblical meaning of faith: "Some say faith is merely believing certain facts. One popular Bible teacher says saving faith is nothing more than confidence in the divine offer of eternal life. Biblically, however, the object of faith is not the divine of...
Meaning and interpretations of the Fall Fall of Man depicted by Gustave DoréAdam and Eve Driven out of Eden, wood engraving by Gustave Doré, 1866. The narrative arc of the Creation and the Fall attempts to explain humanity’s progression from the state of bliss in which it was created to...
Among the biblical characters used as examples in developing and explaining satyagraha, Daniel is the most important after Jesus. In Gandhi’s speeches and writings from 1909 to 1946, Daniel served as the ideal satyagrahi both in South Africa and in Indi
Jinti poetry is further characterized by a restriction on the number of lines within a poem to either four or eight: Jinti poems consisting of four lines are referred to as Jueju (literally meaning “truncated line”) and those consisting of eight lines as Lüshi (literally “regulated verse...
The Logos team has gone through the Bible tagging words with their basic definitions. Now we can finally search the Bible bymeaninginstead of just byword. Here’s an example: I wrote a post on theangels and demons of the Bible. I could have searched the Bible for “angel,” but that ...
meaning, “What have I done to you that you should do this to me?” (Judg 11:12; 2 Chr 35:21; 1 Kgs 17:18). (2) When someone was asked to get involved in a matter he felt was no business of his, he could say to the one asking him, “What to me and to you?” ...