Jannai, Jannes, Japheth, Jarah, Jareb, Jared, Jarha, Jaroah, Jashar, Jashen, Jashubilehem, Jason, Jathniel, Javan, Jaziz, Jeaterai, Jeberechiah, Jecoliah, Jedidah, Jedidiah, Jeduthun, Jeezer, Jehath, Jehezkel, Jehiah, Jehieli, Jehizkiah, Jehoaddah, Jehoaddin, Jehoash, Jehoiachin,...
from a prolonged compound of the base of qroew - throeo 2360; and a derivative of aptomai - haptomai 680 (meaning a noisy iambus, sung in honor of Bacchus); to make an acclamatory procession, i.e. (figuratively) to conquer or (by Hebraism) to give victory:--(cause) to triumph ...
2亚那和该亚法是大祭司。那时,在人烟稀少的荒野里,撒迦利亚的儿子约翰听到了上帝的召唤,3走遍了约旦河一带,向人们传道。他告诉人们受洗来表示他们想改变自己的生活,他们的罪孽就会得到宽恕。4这正如先知以赛亚书中所记载的那样: “旷野里有个呼唤着的人, ‘为主准备好道路。 修直他的路。 ...
Yesterday we ended up with the question: What then was the Apostle’s meaning? Note that he says, “the afflictions of Christ in my flesh.” As a footstep follower of Jesus, and as a probationer for the “high calling,” Paul, in common with all the disciples, required discipline and...
ofZach/pythonTextExamplesPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star1 Breadcrumbs pythonTextExamples / Latest commit History History File metadata and controls 1 lines (1 loc) · 101 KB Raw 1 a aaron aaronites aarons abaddon abagtha abana abarim abase abas...
rous.janna Simple Forgiveness Object Lesson brings Prayer, the Cross, and the Holy Spirit to Life What’s your typical response when someone sins against you? Revenge? Holding a grudge? Anger? This forgiveness object lesson illustrates the sin of anger that can take hold in our own hearts, ...
Encyclopedia of The Bible 147 entries for 路加福音 3 Abraham ABRAHAM ā brə’ hăm (אַבְרָהָ֤ם). The primary source of Abraham is the narrative account given in... Adam ADAM ăd’ əm (אָדָמ֒, H132, mea...
which their sins have made them so deserving of, and so are , "children of hell" (o); a Talmudic phrase; the meaning of which they understood well enough, and which was applicable to them, and more so to their proselytes; and that as owing to them, which was an aggravation of thei...
11Now this is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. 12The seedsc along the path are those who hear, but the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13The seeds on rocky ground are those who hear the...