The Lord's Prayer Bible Lessons for Chidren, The Prayer of Jesus, Teach children the Lord's Prayer, The Prayer of Jesus Bible Lesson Plans for Children's ministry, Christian Hands-on Bible Curriculum, Teaching children and other Christian resources for children and youth ...
Thanks again. Kaye " Thank you so much for allowing us to download some of your material free. I’m kind of the unofficial “find extra stuff” for our church’s Children’s Sunday School classes. So, thank you again for your generosity. Jesse...
An Overview for Children on the Book of Acts The Lighthouse Bible lessons help children discover how God displayed his glorious presence in Scripture through light and fire. Today, God giveslighthouse powerto his children. Through Him we can becomespiritual lighthousesin our world and point the...
An Overview for Children on the Book of Acts The Lighthouse Bible lessons help children discover how God displayed his glorious presence in Scripture through light and fire. Today, God giveslighthouse powerto his children. Through Him we can becomespiritual lighthousesin our world and point the...
An Overview for Children on the Book of Acts The Lighthouse Bible lessons help children discover how God displayed his glorious presence in Scripture through light and fire. Today, God giveslighthouse powerto his children. Through Him we can becomespiritual lighthousesin our world and point the...
NASA Officials (Martians) want you to believe that life on this planet rode in on this scorched Martian rock! Government vs. Creationism? God And Your Heartbeat Where did your pulse and consciousness come from? A study in the primary force of life. Thanksgiving THANK: "To express grati...
Bible Verses on Peace: Matthew 5:9“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” John 14:27“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”. ...
“I am the Lord’s servant, may your word be fulfilled.” How great is the love the Father has lavished on us…that we would be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1 4. WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR ME? What sets Mary apart is her ...
Today I want to share an object lesson on faith with you, inspired by Peter’s courage, faith, and spontaneity. If you are a Sunday School teacher, a father, a mother, a pastor, a youth leader – please share this with your children and youth! I love to use object lessons for youth...
求上帝伸张正义 - 大卫向耶和华唱的诗,与便雅悯人古实有关。 我的上帝耶和华啊,我投靠你, 求你拯救我脱离追赶我的人。 别让他们像狮子般撕裂我, 无人搭救。 我的上帝耶和华啊, 倘若我犯了罪, 手上沾了不义; 倘若我恩将仇报, 无故抢夺仇敌, 就让仇敌追上我,