Noah was a good man in a bad age. But his influence on the life of his contemporaries was, apparently, non-existent. That is implicit in God’s statement, “You alone have I found righteous in this whole generation” (Gen. 7:1). It is implicit also in the fact that only Noah and...
Free Sunday School Lessons You can jump right to the type of Sunday school lesson, Bible craft, hands-on Bible verse game, books of the Bible activity, or Bible Activity you need by click on the buttons below:Old Testament NewTestament Books of the Bible BibleVerse...
Here are the Preschool Bible Lessons Theme Pages These preschool Bible lessons can help you expand on a Bible story to help draw your children closer to Jesus! This page is an ever growing list of Preschool Bible Lessons and Themes for you to choose from. Each theme includes age appropriate ...
Noah's Prophecy - Concerning his Sons Part I Generational Curses Lesson Notes on Generational Curses Prepared in Word 2010 Format Download Notes on Generational Curses Part II Tents of Shem Lesson Notes on Tents of Shem Prepared in Word 2010 Format Download Notes on The Tents of Shem Part III...
Bible Lessons from Genesis: This is a series we are currently writing.#1 The First Sin|#2 God Saves Noah|#3 God gives Abraham & Sarah a baby|#4 Jacob and Esau’s Choices|#5 Joseph and His Colorful Coat|#6 God’s People Build a Tabernacle|Preschool Songs about Families|#7 Moses send...
“bits” of worksheets to make new lessons, and this week that idea is further enhanced by making a cardboard theater to help you tell your Bible stories. The photo above shows the front of the theater which is just a cardboard box. I am telling the story of Noah here. It is up ...
The EIGHT VOLUMES consist of #1 Old Testament 1 – The Beginning and Patriarchs (Lessons 1-7) Adam and Eve - Cain and Abel – Noah - Sarah has a Baby -Abraham and Isaac - Jacob and Esau - The Plight of Job 2- Moses and the Promised Land (Lessons 8-13) Baby Moses - Moses and...
gift to my toddler. Love that it’s portable- it has a handle for my kiddo to take it w him everywhere he goes. It’s also a board book that means it’s sturdy and can lasts longer esp for a busy toddler. Love the colorful illustrations and age appropriate lessons. It’s awesome!
Matthew, Matthias, Melchior, MelchizedekorMelchisedech, Meshach, Methuselah, Micah, Midian, Miriam, Mordecai, Moses, Nabonidus, Naboth, Nahum, Naomi, Naphtali, Nathan, Nathanael, NebuchadnezzarorNebuchadrezzar, Nehemiah, Nicodemus, Nimrod, Noah, Obadiah, Paul, Peter, Philip, Potiphar, Queen of ...
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