Truth for Today World Mission School is setting up a permanent endowment that will provide for dedicated leaders of this work. Click below to review the qualifications that will be used by the elders of our overseeing congregation as they choose men to fill the needed positions. ...
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures ...
This is real doctrine - "meat for men." Don't read it if you don't want to be challenged! The Rock Of Truth Versus The Sand Of Lies Truth Builds. Lies Destroy. Jesus is the Truth. Jesus is the Rock. The Early Church Was Absolutely Unequivocally NOT Trinitarian The Great "I ...
Find Bible Studies from Cleere Cherry Reaves, (in)courage and more at DaySpring. DaySpring offers Bible Studies for men, women, small groups and churches. Shop now!
the battle we are fighting is on the spiritual level. The very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in God’s warfare for the destruction of the enemy’s strongholds. Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defence that men erect against...
the battle we are fighting is on the spiritual level. The very weapons we use are not those of human warfare but powerful in God’s warfare for the destruction of the enemy’s strongholds. Our battle is to bring down every deceptive fantasy and every imposing defence that men erect against...
is the culmination of twenty-five years of learning from these great men. In particular, the idea for this book started soon after I began working with Dallas. He kept talking about the need to create “a curriculum for Christlikeness” for individuals and churches. His blueprint for such....
Ending note:Although this was considered a mini Bible study on the topic of submission, there are still many areas that can be more thoroughly covered and studied. I hope; however, that this will be a help to those of you in the ministry who are putting together some lessons on the subj...
Bible lesson plans for kids, free Sunday school lessons, children's sermons, Bible games, Christian skits, crafts, kids church, and Bible club ideas. Bible Lesson Plans and Sunday School Activities for Kids Bible Lesson Plans and activities for kids Sunday School, Non-denominational children's ...
Nick Diliberto,Ministry to Youth, offers over sixty free Bible study lessons for youth covering topics such as depression, honesty, unity, pride, etc. as well as great interactive youth Bible study lessons for special occasions and holidays!