善恶结局之比较 - 亚萨的诗。 神实在恩待以色列那些清心的人。 至于我,我的脚几乎失闪,我的脚险些滑跌。 我见恶人和狂傲人享平安,就心怀不平。 他们死的时候没有疼痛,他们的力气却也壮实。
1奉 神旨意 , 作基督耶稣使徒的保罗 , 写信给在以弗所的圣徒 , 就是在基督耶稣里有忠心的人。 2愿 恩惠、平安从神我们的父和主耶稣基督归与你们 ! 3愿 颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父神 ! 他在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气 : 4就 如神从创立世界以前 , 在基督里拣选了我们 , ...
These historical structures along our coastlines teach an important lesson. Believing The WHOLE Gospel No part of the Gospel is as big as the whole. Is your church too narrowly focused on niches, and neglecting the full-spectrum of Bible doctrines? The Parable Of The Husbandman God gives...
There is only one mind which can grasp as a reality and thus live in the truths of the things of the spirit of God, and that is the mind of Christ, which is a spiritual mind. This mind of Christ is also known as the holy spirit (Holy Spirit), which Jesus sent us from the Fathe...
The Law shows me just how much of a sinner I am and how far I am from the goodness of my Lord Jesus. I will never reach perfection as long as I am in this body of flesh! The law tells me I need to be punished for my sin, and that punishment is my payment for the sin I ...
I have spent much of my life trying to grasp the intent of John in his first letter. Much of my early time in my faith walk centered on 1 John 5:13 as the purpose of the book. 1 John 5:13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you ...
when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted, but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Th...
God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen 。 This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives。 We see it ...
Study the Bible like a soldier on a mission, not a scholar on a sabbatical. — Mark Driscoll 40 In our prayers, we talk to God, in our Bible study, God talks to us, and we had better let God do most of the talking. — Dwight L. Moody 33 Ultimately, the goal of personal Bi...
The Gospel Made Simpleis a transformational guide to living out the truth of God’s Kingdom here on earth while anticipating the perfect joy of Heaven. Through engaging stories of real lives changed, biblical insights, and practical wisdom, this book shows how the Gospel is more than a ticket...