In this thought-provoking and interactive Sunday school lesson, students dive into the story of Job, exploring how he maintained his faith despite enduring the loss of his entire family and suffering from various afflictions. The lesson includes a creative Get Well Card craft activity, a Job-the...
4. Line up the 2 1/2" craft pieces at the end of a giant craft stick so that one piece is on the bottom and the other is on the top. 5. Wrap the other 3-inch piece of tape around all three craft stick pieces so that it covers the tape hanging from the end of the cut cra...
Help your kids learn this important lesson by making our rainbow card craft! They can write their message of love, hope, and gratitude inside and gift it to someone special. Other ideas that will work for Noash’s ark crafts include using any of our numerous (we have over 100!) animal...
“As a children’s leader at church, I appreciate the minimal prep and materials required for these crafts! The children enjoy the variety and the connection to the weekly lesson. Craft time is their favorite time!” Krystal, USA “I have been using these crafts for over 2 years, and hav...
“As a children’s leader at church, I appreciate the minimal prep and materials required for these crafts! The children enjoy the variety and the connection to the weekly lesson. Craft time is their favorite time!” Krystal, USA “I have been using these crafts for over 2 years, and hav...
You’ll love this super cuteSunday School craftthat will give you the opportunity to share about God’s promises while teaching sewing basics! Plus, you’ll find a printable template and other free rainbow resources to go along with this wonderfulbible lessonfor kids!
This simple lesson plan will help introduce children to the concept of “spiritual disciplines” with a particular focus on the importance of Bible Reading. Bible Lesson Plans for Kids Lesson & Craft: The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Reading
My kids absolutely loved these! This craft is so easy and cheap, you could do it with an entire Sunday school class or Vacation Bible School group! I love the idea of using my old CD cases for crafts. I should come up with some more ideas for getting rid of them. 😉 ...
mess created and age appropriateness. Toddler Activities at Home also includes the list of supplies needed and exact directions to take the guesswork out of helping your toddler create the craft. Bible Kids Fun Zone offers crafts simple enough for toddlers from crafts on subjects such as creation...
mess created and age appropriateness. Toddler Activities at Home also includes the list of supplies needed and exact directions to take the guesswork out of helping your toddler create the craft. Bible Kids Fun Zone offers crafts simple enough for toddlers from crafts on subjects such as creation...