("left-handed" in most Bibles) - ("left-handed" in NW) - Judges 3:15 ftn. NW; Judges 20:16 MSG (h334 + h3027 + h3225) - am'bih-DEK-struhs] * [ ambiguous - ambiguous - Daniel 8:23 (h2420) - am-BIG-yoo-uhs, am-BIH-gyuh-wuhs] * [ Amen - Amen - Psalm 41:13 (h...
“Homosexuality, as a kind of sexual orientation, is not a sin. But homosexual sex is a sin,” Yu said. But the Bible also says that every person who has sinned should be accepted, he added. Tommy Chen, spokesman for the Sexual Orientation Discrimination Legislation Front, said the signing...
Proost is a company set up by Christians to gather together lots of the creativity coming out of the left field ragged edge of the church here in the UK. In doing this they have been incredibly encouraging to people (like me) whose output is unlikely to find other commercial outlets. The...
3因为我是你的上帝耶和华, 是以色列的圣者,是你的救主。 我用埃及作你的赎价, 使古实和西巴代替你。 4我珍视你,看重你,深爱你, 所以我用他人代替你, 用列邦交换你的生命。 5不要害怕,因为我与你同在, 我必从东方、从西方召集你和你的儿女。...
{Heb. sin} KJV Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss. AKJV Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss....
Samson (Mars/the Sun) is betrayed by Delilah the cunning/dark/female/eve/enchantress/the sinister/left-handed/siren/Venus calling him to the rocks of his doom and he eventually ends up down at Gaza (the goat) Capricorn…the midnight of the year. The winter solstice is a time of merriment...
These proteins are composed of about 400 amino acids each on average, in precise sequences, and all in the ‘left-handed’ form. Of course, these genes are only functional with pre-existing translational and replicating machinery, a cell membrane, etc. But Mycoplasma can only survive by ...
12Now these are the ones who came to David at Ziklag while he was still shut up because⌊of Saul⌋,athe son of Kish. And theywerethe mighty warriors helpingwiththe war.2They werearmed withthebow,able to shootright-handed or left-handed,slingingstones orshootingarrows with the bow;they...
24 The Aramean army had come with a small number of men, but Yahweh handed Joash’s large army over to them because Joash’s soldiers had abandoned Yahweh Elohim of their ancestors. So the Arameans carried out the Lord’s judgment on Joash. 25 When the Arameans withdrew, they left hi...