SunniVoice: Your Portal to Islamic Knowledge and Inspiration Tamil Ebooks 4.6 Free Tamil Ebooks - A Comprehensive Collection of Tamil Literature Laws concerning the use of this software vary from country to country. We do not encourage or condone the use of this program if it is in violation o...
Notes: The Holy Bible app protects the user’s privacy to keep the notes private and also in public to share with friends Start your day fresh with a Daily Verse and Carry your soft-copy of Tamil Bible(Thiruviviliam) Pro with you anytime and anyplace you are or wish to go, and share...
5 Tracts Translated In Tamil Language (for India & Sri Lanka) 2 Tracts Translated In Malayalam Language (for India) 2 Tracts Translated In Telugu Language (for India) 2 Tracts Translated In Hindi Language (for India) 1 Tract Translated In Nepali Language (for Nepal) 4 Tract Titles ...
Salem,city (1991 pop. 578,291), Tamil Nadu state, SE India. There are manufactures in chemicals, electrical products, tools, and brass goods; handloom weaving remains a significant industry. Iron and manganese mining are important in the surrounding region, as is agriculture. Salem has several...
Notes: The Holy Bible app protects the user’s privacy to keep the notes private and also in public to share with friends Start your day fresh with a Daily Verse and Carry your soft-copy of Tamil Bible(Thiruviviliam) Pro with you anytime and anyplace you are or wish to go, and share...
上帝的慈爱 - 大卫的诗。 我的心啊,要称颂耶和华, 我要全心全意地称颂祂的圣名。 我的心啊,要称颂耶和华, 不要忘记祂的一切恩惠。 祂赦免我一切的罪恶, 医治我一切的疾病。 祂救赎我的生命脱离死亡, 以慈爱和怜悯环绕我。 祂以美物满足我的愿望,
求上帝伸张正义 - 大卫向耶和华唱的诗,与便雅悯人古实有关。 我的上帝耶和华啊,我投靠你, 求你拯救我脱离追赶我的人。 别让他们像狮子般撕裂我, 无人搭救。 我的上帝耶和华啊, 倘若我犯了罪, 手上沾了不义; 倘若我恩将仇报, 无故抢夺仇敌, 就让仇敌追上我,
2.the capital of Oregon, in the NW part, on the Willamette River. 122,566. 3.a city in central Tamil Nadu, in S India. 515,000. ancient city of Canaan, later identified with Jerusalem. Gen. 14:18; Psalms 76:2. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 ...
5 Tracts Translated In Tamil Language (for India & Sri Lanka) 2 Tracts Translated In Malayalam Language (for India) 2 Tracts Translated In Telugu Language (for India) 2 Tracts Translated In Hindi Language (for India) 1 Tract Translated In Nepali Language (for Nepal) 4 Tract Titles ...
赞美之歌 - 大卫的赞美诗。 我的上帝,我的王啊! 我要尊崇你, 我要永永远远称颂你的名。 我要天天称颂你, 永永远远赞美你的名。 耶和华是伟大的, 当受至高的颂赞, 祂的伟大无法测度。 愿世世代代颂赞你的事迹, 传扬你大能的作为。